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Take-Home Naloxone Kits: Attitudes and Likelihood-Of-Use Outcomes from a European Survey of Potential Overdose Witnesses
European Addiction Research ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-03

Background: Injectable naloxone is already provided as take-home naloxone (THN), and new concentrated intranasal naloxone is now being introduced in Europe. Despite evidence of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of THN, little is known about the attitudes of key target populations: people who use opioids (PWUO), family/friends, and staff. We examined the acceptability of different naloxone devices (ampoule, prefilled syringe, and concentrated nasal spray) across 5 European countries. Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare THN target groups (PWUO vs. family/friends vs. staff) in their past rates of witnessed overdose and THN administration (as indicators of future use), current THN device preference, and THN carriage on the day of survey. Method: Cross-sectional survey of respondents (age ≥18) in addiction treatment, harm reduction, and recovery services in Denmark, England, Estonia, Norway, and Scotland. A purpose-developed questionnaire (59 items) was administered in the local language electronically or in a pen-and-paper format. Results: Among n = 725 participants, 458 were PWUO (63.2%), 214 staff (29.5%), and 53 (7.3%) family members. The groups differed significantly in their likelihood-of-future THN use (p #x3c; 0.001): PWUO had the highest rate of previously witnessing overdoses (352; 77.7%), and staff members reported the highest past naloxone use (62; 30.1%). Across all groups, most respondents (503; 72.4%) perceived the nasal spray device to be the easiest to use. Most reported willingness to use the spray in an overdose emergency (508; 73.5%), followed by the prefilled syringe (457; 66.2%) and ampoules (64; 38.2%). Average THN carriage was 18.6%, ranging from 17.4% (PWUO) to 29.6% (family members). Conclusion: Respondents considered the concentrated naloxone nasal spray the easiest device to use. Still, most expressed willingness to use the nasal spray as well as the prefilled syringe in an overdose emergency. Carriage rates were generally low, with fewer than 1 in 5 respondents carrying their THN kit on the day of the survey.
Eur Addict Res



背景:可注射纳洛酮已经作为带回家的纳洛酮 (THN) 提供,现在欧洲正在引入新的浓缩鼻内纳洛酮。尽管有证据表明 THN 的有效性和成本效益,但对关键目标人群的态度知之甚少:使用阿片类药物 (PWUO) 的人、家人/朋友和工作人员。我们检查了 5 个欧洲国家对不同纳洛酮装置(安瓿、预充式注射器和浓缩鼻喷雾剂)的可接受性。目标:本研究的目的是比较 THN 目标群体(PWUO vs. 家人/朋友 vs. 工作人员)在他们过去的目击过量和 THN 给药率(作为未来使用的指标)、当前 THN 设备偏好和 THN 携带在调查当天。方法:对丹麦、英格兰、爱沙尼亚、挪威和苏格兰的成瘾治疗、减少伤害和康复服务的受访者(年龄≥18 岁)进行的横断面调查。一份有目的的问卷(59 个项目)以当地语言以电子方式或纸笔格式进行管理。结果:n = 725 名参与者中,458 名 PWUO(63.2%)、214 名员工(29.5%)和 53 名(7.3%)家庭成员。各组在未来使用 THN 的可能性上存在显着差异(p#x3c; 0.001):PWUO 的过量服用率最高(352;77.7%),工作人员报告的纳洛酮使用率最高(62;30.1%)。在所有组别中,大多数受访者 (503; 72.4%) 认为鼻腔喷雾装置是最容易使用的。大多数报告愿意在过量紧急情况下使用喷雾剂(508;73.5%),其次是预装注射器(457;66.2%)和安瓿瓶(64;38.2%)。平均 THN 运输率为 18.6%,范围从 17.4%(PWUO)到 29.6%(家庭成员)。结论:受访者认为浓缩纳洛酮鼻喷雾剂是最容易使用的装置。尽管如此,大多数人表示愿意在过量紧急情况下使用鼻喷雾剂和预充式注射器。运输率普遍较低,在调查当天只有不到五分之一的受访者携带他们的 THN 套件。