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Seasonal rainfall influences reproduction and recruitment of tropical penaeid shrimps: Implications to fisheries management
Fisheries Oceanography ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-01 , DOI: 10.1111/fog.12571
Matheus Souza Ferreira Barros 1, 2 , José Gilmar Cavalcante Oliveira Júnior 2 , Cícero Diogo Lins Oliveira 2 , Taciana Kramer Pinto 3 , Vandick da Silva Batista 2 , Nidia Noemi Fabré 1

Here, we present results from a study conducted in two major shrimp fishing grounds in the Northeastern Brazil Marine Ecoregion (NBME) that determined reproductive dynamics of the penaeid shrimps Xiphopenaeus kroyeri and Penaeus schmitti. We aimed to verify if the current closed season is appropriate and untangle the environmental drivers that control their dynamics. The periods of recruitment and reproduction of both species overlap significantly, with a major spawning peak taking place in the dry season and recruitment in the wet season. The recruitment process in both species seem to be indirectly controlled by the onset of the rainfall season, which triggers an increase in primary productivity. This indirect effect also appears to affect growth increments positively. Our results suggest that both species evolved to recruit in the wet and spawn at the dry season as mechanisms to maximize reproductive fitness. They also highlight the possible negative influence of climate change in tropical shrimp stocks and that the current local regulations must be adjusted to better protect them from overfishing. Therefore, we present multiple possibilities to the closed fishing season (CFS) addressed to local decision-makers and reinforce that environmental parameters and effects of environmental changes should be considered when planning management measures.



在这里,我们展示了在巴西东北部海洋生态区 (NBME) 的两个主要捕虾场进行的一项研究的结果,该研究确定了对虾Xiphopenaeus kroyeriPenaeus schmitti的繁殖动态. 我们旨在验证当前的关闭季节是否合适,并解开控制其动态的环境驱动因素。这两个物种的补充和繁殖时期有很大的重叠,主要的产卵高峰发生在旱季,补充发生在雨季。这两个物种的补充过程似乎都受到降雨季节的间接控制,这引发了初级生产力的提高。这种间接影响似乎也对增长增量产生了积极影响。我们的研究结果表明,这两个物种都进化为在潮湿季节招募并在旱季产卵,作为最大限度地提高生殖适应性的机制。他们还强调了气候变化对热带虾种群可能产生的负面影响,必须调整当前的地方法规,以更好地保护它们免受过度捕捞。因此,我们向当地决策者提出了关闭捕捞季节(CFS)的多种可能性,并强调在规划管理措施时应考虑环境参数和环境变化的影响。