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How the discovery of oligochaete regeneration during the Enlightenment was pivotal to the advancement of annelid research
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-19 , DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab111
Emilia Rota 1

Within a few months of the year 1741, Lyonet and Trembley in Holland, Bonnet in Geneva and Réaumur in Paris all experimented industriously with the regeneration of various invertebrates, including the still unknown microdrile oligochaetes. Some of these worms were prone to spontaneous fragmentation as a natural mode of asexual multiplication, preceded (paratomy) or followed (architomy) by regenerative processes. Bonnet and Réaumur raised the stakes and began to study regeneration in earthworms, a challenge that, especially in Italy, inspired scholars and educated people among the clergy and aristocracy. Spallanzani conducted the most rigorous experiments and was the first to obtain consecutive regenerations of the head in one and the same megadrile. He saw detached mid-body sections becoming complete with a new head and a new tail, and he determined the points of the body where regeneration does not take place and how much length to leave for each section so that it could reintegrate. Above all, Spallanzani obtained regeneration of the gonadic segments, both in terrestrial and in freshwater megadriles, the latter today identified as Criodrilus lacuum. This and other important anatomical and physiological findings by Spallanzani, largely unpublished during his lifetime and for a long time after, preceded the discoveries of later authors by almost 50 years.



在 1741 年的几个月内,荷兰的 Lyonet 和 Trembley、日内瓦的 Bonnet 和巴黎的 Réaumur 都在努力尝试各种无脊椎动物的再生,包括仍然不为人知的微钻寡毛纲动物。作为无性繁殖的自然模式,这些蠕虫中的一些容易自发分裂,在再生过程之前(分切术)或之后(分体术)。Bonnet 和 Réaumur 提高了赌注并开始研究蚯蚓的再生,这一挑战,尤其是在意大利,激发了神职人员和贵族中的学者和受过教育的人。Spallanzani 进行了最严格的实验,并且是第一个在同一台巨型钻机中连续获得头部再生的人。他看到分离的中体部分变得完整,有一个新的头和一个新的尾巴,他确定了身体的哪些点不会发生再生,以及每个部分要留多少长度才能重新整合。最重要的是,Spallanzani 在陆地和淡水巨型井中获得了性腺部分的再生,后者今天被确定为 Criodrilus lacuum。Spallanzani 的这一发现和其他重要的解剖学和生理学发现在他的一生中和之后的很长一段时间内基本上都未发表,比后来的作者的发现早了近 50 年。