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The story of a rock-star: multilocus phylogeny and species delimitation in the starred or roughtail rock agama, Laudakia stellio (Reptilia: Agamidae)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-05 , DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab107
Emmanouela Karameta 1, 2, 3 , Petros Lymberakis 2 , Heinz Grillitsch 4 , Çetin Ilgaz 5, 6 , Aziz Avci 7 , Yusuf Kumlutaş 5, 6 , Kamil Candan 5 , Philipp Wagner 8 , Spyros Sfenthourakis 9 , Panayiotis Pafilis 1 , Nikos Poulakakis 2, 3

Situated at the junction of three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean is an ideal region to study the effects of palaeogeography, ecology and long human presence on animal evolution. Laudakia stellio (Squamata: Agamidae) is found across this region and offers an excellent opportunity for such studies. The high morphological variation across their range suggests that these lizards might represent a species complex. This is the first study exploring their evolutionary history, using molecular markers and individuals from all described subspecies. We employed the latest phylogenetic and species-delimitation methods to identify all distinct evolutionary lineages, their genetic variation and divergence times. The phenotypical diversity of L. stellio matches its genetic differentiation: almost all subspecies correspond to well-supported retrieved subclades and additional distinct lineages representing intermediate morphs have been retrieved. ‘Laudakia stellio’ represents three distinct evolutionary entities that diverged during the Plio-Pleistocene transition, which we propose as distinct species. One includes Greek and Turkish populations, as well as cryptic Anatolian lineages. The second comprises all other Near East populations and the third is endemic to Cyprus. Our results indicate a role of humans in shaping present distribution patterns, and highlight the importance of the Aegean, Anatolia and the Levant as glacial refugia and diversity hotspots.


摇滚明星的故事:星形或粗尾岩蜥蜴 Laudakia stellio(爬行动物:蜥蜴科)中的多位点系统发育和物种划分

东地中海位于欧洲、亚洲和非洲三大洲的交界处,是研究古地理、生态和人类长期存在对动物进化影响的理想地区。Laudakia stellio(Squamata:Agamidae)遍布该地区,为此类研究提供了绝佳机会。其分布范围内的高度形态变异表明这些蜥蜴可能代表一个物种复合体。这是第一项使用分子标记和所有描述亚种的个体探索其进化历史的研究。我们采用最新的系统发育和物种界定方法来识别所有不同的进化谱系、它们的遗传变异和分歧时间。L. stellio 的表型多样性与其遗传分化相匹配:几乎所有亚种都对应于得到良好支持的检索到的亚进化枝,并且已经检索到了代表中间变体的其他不同谱系。'Laudakia stellio' 代表了在 Plio-Pleistocene 过渡期间发生分歧的三个不同的进化实体,我们建议将其作为不同的物种。其中之一包括希腊和土耳其人口,以及神秘的安纳托利亚血统。第二类包括所有其他近东人口,第三类是塞浦路斯特有的。我们的结果表明人类在塑造当前分布模式中的作用,并强调了爱琴海、安纳托利亚和黎凡特作为冰川避难所和多样性热点的重要性。'Laudakia stellio' 代表了在 Plio-Pleistocene 过渡期间发生分歧的三个不同的进化实体,我们建议将其作为不同的物种。其中之一包括希腊和土耳其人口,以及神秘的安纳托利亚血统。第二类包括所有其他近东人口,第三类是塞浦路斯特有的。我们的结果表明人类在塑造当前分布模式中的作用,并强调了爱琴海、安纳托利亚和黎凡特作为冰川避难所和多样性热点的重要性。'Laudakia stellio' 代表了在 Plio-Pleistocene 过渡期间发生分歧的三个不同的进化实体,我们建议将其作为不同的物种。其中之一包括希腊和土耳其人口,以及神秘的安纳托利亚血统。第二类包括所有其他近东人口,第三类是塞浦路斯特有的。我们的结果表明人类在塑造当前分布模式中的作用,并强调了爱琴海、安纳托利亚和黎凡特作为冰川避难所和多样性热点的重要性。