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Entrepreneurial Intention among Undergraduate Agricultural Students in the Republic of Benin
Journal of African Business ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-31 , DOI: 10.1080/15228916.2022.2031584
Rodrigue S. Kaki 1 , Djana B. Mignouna 2 , Augustin K. N. Aoudji 1 , Razack Adéoti 2


In sub-Saharan Africa, where the professional insertion of graduates remains a major challenge, entrepreneurship represents an alternative to youth unemployment. This study investigates the predictors of agribusiness entrepreneurial intentions amongst undergraduate agricultural students in the Republic of Benin. A sample of 351 final year agricultural students was selected from universities. The data were collected through structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics and a binary logistic regression. The findings showed that 44.16% of respondents were willing to start their own agribusiness venture after graduation with a preference for agro-processing enterprises (35.48%) and crop production enterprises (26.45%). The significant factors that influence agricultural students’ entrepreneurial intention in agribusiness were age, their major field of study, type of university attended, previous experience in agribusiness, a role model as a friend, and perception of agribusiness environment. The study suggests the establishment of clubs for agribusiness entrepreneurship in agricultural faculties and universities; showcasing of young entrepreneurs in agribusiness through national competitions, and events, such as “Agri-Enterprise Week” at universities, inviting young agribusiness entrepreneurs to share their experiences with the students in the next generation as guests lecturer; and the creation by the government of a conducive agribusiness environment for youth graduates. In the light of these insights, several paths for future research emerge.




在撒哈拉以南非洲,毕业生的专业融入仍然是一个重大挑战,创业是青年失业的替代方案。本研究调查了贝宁共和国农业本科生的农业企业创业意向预测因素。从大学中抽取了 351 名最后一年的农业学生作为样本。通过结构化问卷收集数据,并使用描述性统计和二元逻辑回归分析。调查结果显示,44.16%的受访者毕业后愿意创业,偏好农产品加工企业(35.48%)和农作物生产企业(26.45%)。影响农科生创业意向的显着因素为年龄、他们的主要研究领域、就读的大学类型、以前在农业综合企业的经验、作为朋友的榜样以及对农业综合企业环境的看法。研究建议在农业院校建立涉农企业创业俱乐部;通过国家竞赛和活动,如大学“农业企业周”,展示农业综合企业的年轻企业家,邀请年轻的农业综合企业企业家作为客座讲师与下一代学生分享他们的经验;政府为青年毕业生创造有利的农业企业环境。根据这些见解,出现了未来研究的几种途径。和对农业企业环境的看法。研究建议在农业院校建立涉农企业创业俱乐部;通过国家竞赛和活动,如大学“农业企业周”,展示农业综合企业的年轻企业家,邀请年轻的农业综合企业企业家作为客座讲师与下一代学生分享他们的经验;政府为青年毕业生创造有利的农业企业环境。根据这些见解,出现了未来研究的几种途径。和对农业企业环境的看法。研究建议在农业院校建立涉农企业创业俱乐部;通过国家竞赛和活动,如大学“农业企业周”,展示农业综合企业的年轻企业家,邀请年轻的农业综合企业企业家作为客座讲师与下一代学生分享他们的经验;政府为青年毕业生创造有利的农业企业环境。根据这些见解,出现了未来研究的几种途径。如高校“涉农周”,邀请青年涉农企业家作为客座讲师与下一代学生分享经验;政府为青年毕业生创造有利的农业企业环境。根据这些见解,出现了未来研究的几种途径。如高校“涉农周”,邀请青年涉农企业家作为客座讲师与下一代学生分享经验;政府为青年毕业生创造有利的农业企业环境。根据这些见解,出现了未来研究的几种途径。
