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Results of risk assessment for occupational electromagnetic exposures
Journal of Electrostatics ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2022.103678
Gábor Göcsei 1 , Bálint Németh 1 , István Kiss 1

In 2016, a Hungarian law was introduced in accordance with the valid guidelines of the European Parliament related to the occupational exposures of electromagnetic fields. By this law, it is mandatory to evaluate and assess all the risks of operating equipment with voltage levels above 100 kV or currents above 100 A in the industry. Based on this guideline, experts of Group of High Voltage Technology and Equipment of Budapest University of Technology and Economics have performed several risk assessments based on the prescribed requirements.

In several cases, exposures of electric, magnetic and electromagnetics fields have exceeded their limits: not only in case of worst-case simulations, but during on-site measurements, measured range of electric field and magnetic flux density was in the range which requires additional protection. To reduce risks to acceptable levels, practically applicable ways of protection must be prescribed to guarantee the requested level of safety, like improved medical examinations, restriction of approach or additional personal protective gears. Based on the results, industrial processes were modified, best practices have been declared, and critical activities were reported for the government – as requested by the guideline. The main aim of the introduction of these results is to highlight the importance of this topic, to assess the so-called “invisible” sources of dangers which are unfortunately often neglected. It is also crucial to introduce the basics and typical ranges of electromagnetic exposures for the employees of the affected facilities. Education, as a second step, is also an important part of this job. This paper summarizes the typical scenarios and magnitudes of exposures in case of occupational applications. Key data of analysis and basis of risk assessment was the measured electric field and magnetic flux density values compared to the current limits prescribed in the territory of the EU.



2016 年,根据欧洲议会关于电磁场职业暴露的有效指导方针,匈牙利出台了一项法律。根据该法律,强制评估和评估在行业中运行电压等级超过 100 kV 或电流超过 100 A 的设备的所有风险。布达佩斯理工大学高压技术与装备组专家根据该指南,按规定要求进行了多次风险评估。

