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Peer, substance use, and race-related factors associated with recidivism among first-time justice-involved youth.
Law and Human Behavior ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-24 , DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000471
Evan D Holloway 1 , Johanna B Folk 1 , Catalina Ordorica 1 , Marina Tolou-Shams 1

OBJECTIVES Peer deviancy and substance-related consequences are dynamic criminogenic needs associated with increased risk of recidivism for justice-involved youth. Most prior research in this area, however, is based on samples of primarily male youth charged with delinquent offenses. Because identification of dynamic criminogenic needs is essential to delinquency risk reduction efforts, the purpose of this study was to examine the role of peer deviancy and substance-related consequences in a sample of youth at first contact with the juvenile justice system, with relatively equal representation of males and females and youth charged with delinquent and status offenses. HYPOTHESES We hypothesized that higher levels of peer deviancy and more severe alcohol- and cannabis-related consequences would predict recidivism. We also hypothesized that Black and brown youth would be more likely to recidivate than non-Latinx White participants. METHOD First-time justice-involved youth (N = 401) aged 12-18 and their caregivers reported independent variables at baseline (demographic, legal, psychiatric, and peer factors). Official records of recidivism (i.e., number of new charges 2 years later) was the dependent variable for nested multivariate negative binomial regression models. RESULTS Peer deviancy reported by caregivers, but not by youth, predicted recidivism 2 years later. Consequences related to alcohol, but not cannabis, increased recidivism risk. Finally, participants who were younger, male, charged with a delinquent offense, and Black, multiracial, and/or Latinx were more likely to recidivate than non-Latinx White participants after controlling for covariates. CONCLUSIONS Results highlight the influence of institutionalized racism on later court involvement for youth of color at first court contact, regardless of individual risk. Deviant peers and consequences of alcohol are salient intervention targets for this population. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).



目标 同伴偏差和与物质相关的后果是动态的犯罪需求,与参与司法的青少年累犯风险增加相关。然而,该领域的大多数先前研究都是基于被指控犯罪的主要男性青少年的样本。由于确定动态犯罪需求对于减少犯罪风险工作至关重要,因此本研究的目的是在代表性相对平等的首次接触少年司法系统的青少年样本中研究同伴偏差和物质相关后果的作用被指控犯罪和身份犯罪的男性、女性和青少年。假设我们假设,同侪越轨行为以及与酒精和大麻相关的更严重的后果将预示着累犯。我们还假设黑人和棕色人种青年比非拉丁裔白人参与者更有可能重新犯罪。方法 12-18 岁首次参与司法的青少年 (N = 401) 及其照顾者报告基线自变量(人口、法律、精神和同伴因素)。累犯的官方记录(即两年后新指控的数量)是嵌套多元负二项式回归模型的因变量。结果 看护者(而非青少年)报告的同伴偏差预示着两年后的累犯。与酒精有关的后果增加了累犯风险,但与大麻无关。最后,在控制协变量后,年轻的男性、被指控犯罪的参与者、黑人、多种族和/或拉丁裔参与者比非拉丁裔白人参与者更有可能再犯。 结论 结果强调了制度化种族主义对有色人种青年在第一次法庭接触后参与法庭的影响,无论个人风险如何。异常的同伴和酒精的后果是该人群的显着干预目标。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2022 APA,保留所有权利)。