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Prospective Motion Correction and Automatic Segmentation of Penetrating Arteries in Phase Contrast MRI at 7 T
bioRxiv - Bioengineering Pub Date : 2022-01-22 , DOI: 10.1101/2022.01.20.477093
Julia Moore , Jordan Jimenez , Weili Lin , William Powers , Xiaopeng Zong

Purpose To develop a prospective motion correction (MC) method for phase contrast (PC) MRI of penetrating arteries (PA) in centrum semiovale at 7 T and evaluate its performance using automatic PA segmentation.


7 T 相位对比 MRI 中穿透动脉的前瞻性运动校正和自动分割

目的开发一种前瞻性运动校正 (MC) 方法,用于 7 T 下半卵圆中心穿透动脉 (PA) 的相位对比 (PC) MRI,并使用自动 PA 分割评估其性能。