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USA Suicides Compared to Other Western Countries in the 21st Century: Is there a Relationship with Gun Ownership?
Archives of Suicide Research ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-24 , DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2021.1974624
Colin Pritchard , Lars Hansen , Rosslyn Dray , Jalil Sharif



Causes of suicide are complex indicating a nation’s psycho-socio-economic well-being hence this population-based study explores whether USA suicides worsened compared to nineteen Other Western Countries (OWC) being possibly related to gun ownership in the 21st Century.


Total suicide data are drawn from the latest WHO Age-Standardised-Death-Rates per million (pm) controlled for age, sex, and population, along with suicides in the five age- bands 15–34 years to 75 + years. National gun ownership data from the international Small Arms Survey. Chi-square tests any significant difference between American and OWC suicides during the century. Spearman Rank Order correlations are used to determine comparability of suicides and gun ownership per thousand person rates over the period 2000–15.


USA had the highest gun ownership, treble the rate of the next highest country. American Total suicides rose 27%, significantly more than eight other countries (p < 0.05). The USA had significantly worse suicide outcomes for Older (75+) people than three OWC; eleven for Mature Adults 55–74; eight for Adults 34–54 and for ten countries for Young Adults 15–34. Young Adult suicides numbered 12,438, 6,702 gun-related in 2015, exceeding recent USA military losses. Only Young Adult suicides positively correlated with gun ownership (<0.025).


The key finding is whilst most countries reduced suicides American rates rose substantially this century, raising questions about US society. Importantly the easy access to firearms in the USA makes Young Adult suicide more likely when facing psycho-social stress. This study exposes the vulnerability of distressed young American adults in a permissive gun culture, with its sequel, life-long grieving parents.

  • Highlights

  • During 21st Century USA suicides rose substantially more than other Western nations.

  • Only USA suicides rose >20% amongst Total suicides and in those aged 15-to-74years.

  • USA Young Adult suicides 150,099 in 21st century, 12,438 in 2015, 6,702 were gun-related.


与 21 世纪其他西方国家相比,美国的自杀率:与拥有枪支有关系吗?



自杀的原因很复杂,表明一个国家的心理-社会-经济福祉,因此这项基于人口的研究探讨了与21世纪拥有枪支有关的 19 个其他西方国家 (OWC) 相比,美国的自杀率是否有所恶化。


总自杀数据来自最新的世卫组织年龄标准化死亡率每百万人 (pm),控制了年龄、性别和人口,以及 15-34 岁至 75 岁以上五个年龄段的自杀人数。来自国际小型武器调查的国家枪支拥有数据。卡方检验本世纪美国和 OWC 自杀之间的任何显着差异。Spearman Rank Order 相关性用于确定 2000-15 年间自杀率和每千人枪支拥有率的可比性。


美国的枪支拥有率最高,是第二高国家的三倍。美国总自杀人数上升了 27%,明显高于其他八个国家 ( p  < 0.05)。与三个 OWC 相比,美国老年人(75 岁以上)的自杀结果要差得多;55-74 岁成人十一岁;八个针对 34-54 岁的成年人,十个国家针对 15-34 岁的年轻人。2015 年,青年自杀人数为 12,438 人,其中 6,702 人与枪支有关,超过了美国最近的军事损失。只有年轻成人自杀与拥有枪支呈正相关 (<0.025)。



  • 强调

  • 在 21 世纪,美国自杀率的上升幅度远远超过其他西方国家。

  • 在总自杀人数和 15 至 74 岁的自杀人数中,只有美国的自杀人数上升了 20% 以上。

  • 美国 21 世纪青年自杀人数为 150,099 人,2015 年为 12,438 人,其中 6,702 人与枪支有关。
