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Socioeconomic Status, Cultural Capital, and Social Capital in Adults: A Structural Equation Model.
Psicothema Pub Date : 2022-02-01 , DOI: 10.7334/psicothema2021.231
Elisa Menardo 1 , Marta Viola , Irene Pierluigi , Chiara Cretella , Roberto Cubelli , Giulia Balboni

BACKGROUND Sociocultural level (SCL) comprises Socioeconomic Status (SES), Cultural Capital (CC), and Social Capital (SC). The relationships between all SCL dimensions have never been investigated. This study aimed to develop a structural equation model representing how age affects the relationships between educational level, occupational prestige (as a measure of SES), CC, and SC for men and women. METHOD SES, dimensions of CC and SC were measured with valid scales for 654 adults (63% female) aged 19 to 74 years ( M[SD] = 42.86 [13.32]), that had or used to have an occupation and the majority of whom had at least a university degree (65%). All lived in a medium-sized town in Italy. RESULTS Age affected the interrelated indicators of SES (educational level and occupational prestige), which in turn affected the interrelated dimensions CC and SC (CFI = .97; RMSEA = .073 [CI = .053 - .095]; SRMR = 0.031). The system of relationships was simpler in men than in women, with educational level being less relevant in affecting the other constructs. CONCLUSIONS The hierarchical structure of SCL and effect of age and gender must be properly taken into account in studies on the effects of SCL on human behavior.



背景技术社会文化水平(SCL)包括社会经济地位(SES)、文化资本(CC)和社会资本(SC)。所有 SCL 维度之间的关系从未被研究过。本研究旨在开发一个结构方程模型,代表年龄如何影响男性和女性的教育水平、职业声望(作为社会经济地位的衡量标准)、CC 和 SC 之间的关系。方法 使用有效量表对 654 名年龄在 19 至 74 岁的成年人(63% 女性)(M[SD] = 42.86 [13.32])进行 SES、CC 和 SC 维度测量,他们曾经或曾经有过职业,并且大多数从事职业。他们至少拥有大学学位(65%)。他们都住在意大利的一个中等城镇。结果 年龄影响 SES(教育水平和职业声望)的相关指标,进而影响 CC 和 SC 的相关维度(CFI = .97;RMSEA = .073 [CI = .053 - .095];SRMR = 0.031) 。男性的关系系统比女性更简单,教育水平对其他结构的影响较小。结论 在研究 SCL 对人类行为的影响时,必须适当考虑 SCL 的层次结构以及年龄和性别的影响。