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Reformed Polish court proceedings for the return of a child under the 1980 Hague Convention in the light of the Brussels IIb Regulation
Journal of Private International Law ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-20 , DOI: 10.1080/17441048.2021.1970701
Jakub Pawliczak

In recent years a significant increase in applications sent to Polish institutions to obtain the return of abducted children under the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention can be observed. Simultaneously, Poland has struggled with a problem of excessively long court proceedings in those cases and the lack of specialisation among family judges. Taking these difficulties into consideration, in 2018 the Polish Parliament introduced a reform aimed at improving the effectiveness of the court proceedings for the return of abducted children. The work on the amendment of the Polish legal regulations was carried out in parallel to the EU legislative process in the field of international child abduction. Although the Polish reform had been introduced before Council Regulation (EU) 2019/1111 of 25 June 2019 (Brussels IIb) was adopted, the 2016 proposal for this Regulation had been known to the national legislature. When discussing the amended Polish legal regulations, it should be considered whether they meet their goals and whether they are in line with the new EU law.


根据布鲁塞尔 IIb 条例,根据 1980 年《海牙公约》改革波兰法院关于遣返儿童的程序

近年来,根据 1980 年《海牙绑架公约》,向波兰机构提出的要求被绑架儿童返回的申请显着增加。与此同时,波兰一直在努力解决这些案件的法庭诉讼程序过长以及家庭法官缺乏专业化的问题。考虑到这些困难,波兰议会于 2018 年推出了一项改革,旨在提高法院诉讼程序的有效性,以帮助被绑架儿童返回家园。波兰法律法规的修订工作与欧盟在国际儿童诱拐领域的立法程序同时进行。尽管波兰改革是在 2019 年 6 月 25 日(布鲁塞尔 IIb)的理事会条例 (EU) 2019/1111 获得通过之前引入的,该法规的 2016 年提案已为国家立法机构所知。在讨论修订后的波兰法律法规时,应考虑其是否达到目标以及是否符合新的欧盟法律。
