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Parents’ digital competence in guiding and supervising young children's use of the Internet
European Journal of Communication ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-18 , DOI: 10.1177/02673231211072669
Gemma Pons-Salvador 1, 2 , Xud Zubieta-Méndez 1, 2 , Dolores Frias-Navarro 2

Children use the Internet at an increasingly younger age and many parents do not have the necessary knowledge to protect or guide them. A previous study showed that 78% of children between the ages of 6 and 9 used the Internet and that their parents were usually with them, but 40% of these children would surf at some point without supervision. This research aims to examine the relationship between the parents' digital competence and the different elements included in the parental mediation process. The sample is made up of 1827 parents who answered the survey. A relationship is observed between the parents' level of education and their digital competence. The results show that for parents with greater digital competence it is more likely that their 6-to 9-year-olds are already surfing the Internet. They also supervise more frequently and have more knowledge of the online activities that their children carry out.



儿童使用互联网的年龄越来越小,许多父母没有必要的知识来保护或指导他们。之前的一项研究表明,6 至 9 岁的儿童中有 78% 使用互联网,并且他们的父母通常与他们在一起,但其中 40% 的儿童在某些时候会在没有监督的情况下上网。本研究旨在检验父母的数字能力与父母调解过程中包含的不同要素之间的关系。样本由回答调查的 1827 名家长组成。观察到父母的教育水平和他们的数字能力之间的关系。结果表明,对于数字能力更强的父母来说,他们 6 至 9 岁的孩子更有可能已经在上网。
