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A Round Trip: The Japanese Contribution to the Development of Sevoflurane
Anesthesia & Analgesia ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-14 , DOI: 10.1213/ane.0000000000005384
Shigemasa Ikeda 1 , Hiroshi Makino 2

lts. Further research in the United States was halted, however, because of concerns regarding potential nephrotoxicity and the introduction of less degradable alternatives. Interest in sevoflurane resumed in Japan when Maruishi Pharmaceutical Company, Limited (Ltd) (Maruishi) decided to continue its development in 1982. They secured approval by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for its clinical use in January 1990. Because of its low blood:gas partition coefficient and resulting rapid action, sevoflurane quickly became the anesthetic of choice of Japanese anesthesiologists. In 1992 Abbott Laboratories, now AbbVie, Inc (Abbott, North Chicago, IL) finalized a licensing agreement with Maruishi to seek the US Food and Drug Administration approval for sevoflurane sales in the United States. Approved in June 1995, sevoflurane is now marketed by Abbott in 120 countries and has been administered >120 million times. This report details the Japanese contribution to the development of sevoflurane....



lts。然而,由于担心潜在的肾毒性和引入不易降解的替代品,美国停止了进一步的研究。1982 年丸石制药株式会社 (Maruishi) 决定继续开发七氟醚后,日本重新开始对七氟醚产生兴趣。他们于 1990 年 1 月获得日本厚生劳动省的临床使用批准。血气分配系数低,作用迅速,七氟醚迅速成为日本麻醉医师的首选麻醉剂。1992 年,雅培实验室,现在的艾伯维公司(Abbott,北芝加哥,伊利诺伊州)与 Maruishi 达成了一项许可协议,以寻求美国食品和药物管理局批准在美国销售七氟醚。1995年6月批准,七氟醚现在由雅培在 120 个国家销售,并已使用超过 1.2 亿次。本报告详细介绍了日本对七氟醚开发的贡献……