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Assessing the multidimensional elements of sustainability in European agroforestry systems
Agricultural Systems ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103357
Laurence G. Smith 1, 2, 3 , Sally Westaway 1 , Samantha Mullender 1 , Bhim Bahadur Ghaley 4 , Ying Xu 4 , Lisa Mølgaard Lehmann 5 , Andrea Pisanelli 6 , Giuseppe Russo 6 , Robert Borek 7 , Rafał Wawer 7 , Magdalena Borzęcka 7 , Mignon Sandor 8 , Adrian Gliga 8 , Jo Smith 1, 9


Agroforestry is gaining interest in in Europe however the trade-offs associated with its uptake are still uncertain.


The objective of this study was to explore the sustainability trade-offs and synergies associated with a range of agroforestry systems in Europe and assess the underlying reasons for different performance regarding environmental, economic, social and governance domains.


Five case-studies of agroforestry from nothern, eastern and southern Europe were assessed using an established sustainability assessment tool, the Public Goods tool (PG tool). The case studies were selected to represent a range of innovative and traditional systems, encompassing arable and livestock, wood fuel and tree fruit crops.


All five of the case studies were performing well across a diverse range of sustainability criteria, with average scores of three out of five or higher across the assessment categories. Social capital and animal health and welfare management scores were particularly high, due to high rates of on-farm employment of between 0.4 and 2.3 full-time labour units per hectare, and a high volume of local sales alongside effective health planning and husbandry through health planning and a lack of restrictions on natural behaviour. Land Equivalent Ratios were greater than 1 within each case and were particularly high for established silvopasture systems (over 1.5). Fossil fuel use was considerably lower than the industry average in most of the case studies (between 17 and 92% of the country-average per hectare for three of the cases). Economic performance was highly variable, with high labour costs contributing to negative margins.


The assessments show that agroforestry systems have considerable potential to contribute to multiple sustainability objectives, and that environmental and social sustainability objectives are particularly well addressed through increased efficiency of land-use, increased opportunities for on-farm employment and engagement with local communities. However considerable financial barriers still exist and may prevent its further uptake. Promoting the future uptake of agroforestry in Europe therefore requires the commitment of multiple actors in supply chains to plan policies, farm-practices and knowledge exchange that can support the delivery of sustainability benefits.








使用已建立的可持续性评估工具公共产品工具(PG 工具)对来自北欧、东欧和南欧的五项农林业案例研究进行了评估。案例研究被选为代表一系列创新和传统系统,包括耕地和牲畜、木材燃料和果树作物。


所有五个案例研究在各种可持续性标准中都表现良好,在评估类别中平均得分为五分之三或更高。由于每公顷 0.4 至 2.3 个全职劳动力单位的农场就业率高,当地销售量大,加上有效的健康规划和畜牧业,社会资本和动物健康和福利管理得分特别高计划和缺乏对自然行为的限制。在每种情况下,土地当量比均大于 1,对于已建立的林草系统(超过 1.5)尤其高。在大多数案例研究中,化石燃料的使用量大大低于行业平均水平(其中三个案例为每公顷国家平均水平的 17% 至 92%)。


