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The rejuvenation of hydrocarbon exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean
Petroleum Geoscience ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-12 , DOI: 10.1144/petgeo2021-018
Fabio Lottaroli 1 , Lorenzo Meciani 2

The exploration history of the large Eastern Mediterranean Basin, which encompasses the Nile Delta, Levantine, Herodotus and Eratosthenes provinces, has seen several phases of rejuvenation since exploration started in the 1950s, with new plays opened repeatedly after the basin was considered mature by the industry. The 584 exploration wells drilled to date have discovered more than 23 Bboe recoverable reserves/resources, mostly gas. The first discovery was the Abu Madi Field, in 1967, which opened the Messinian clastic play. Over time, other plays and sub-plays were opened, including the Serravallian–Tortonian, the Plio–Pleistocene, the Oligo–Miocene in the Levantine, the intra-Oligocene and the Cretaceous carbonates. The exceptional variety of plays, with different trapping styles, reservoir and seal facies patterns has few equivalents worldwide and makes the region a valuable training ground for explorers. The geological variety is not the only reason for such a complex and episodic exploration history: commercial (gas market) and geopolitical issues have also had an impact on the activity in parts of the basin. The largest discoveries have been made in the last 10 years (Tamar, Leviathan, Zohr) and, despite the intense exploration activity, parts of the basin remain underexplored. The company with the longest and most successful play opening history in the basin is Eni. Today, most major oil companies are active in the basin, which even after 70 years is still considered one of the world's exploration hotspots.



自 1950 年代开始勘探以来,包括尼罗河三角洲、黎凡特、希罗多德和埃拉托色尼省在内的大型东地中海盆地的勘探历史经历了几个阶段的复兴,在该盆地被业界认为成熟后,新的区块不断开辟. 迄今为止钻探的 584 口探井已发现超过 23 个 Bboe 可采储量/资源,主要是天然气。第一个发现是 1967 年的阿布马迪油田,它开启了麦西尼亚碎屑层带。随着时间的推移,其他地层和子地层被开辟出来,包括塞拉瓦利亚-托顿期、上里奥-更新世、黎凡特的渐新世-中新世、渐新世内部和白垩纪碳酸盐岩。出类拔萃的剧种,不同的诱捕方式,储层和海豹相模式在世界范围内几乎没有同类模式,这使该地区成为勘探者宝贵的训练场。地质多样性并不是如此复杂和偶发性勘探历史的唯一原因:商业(天然气市场)和地缘政治问题也对盆地部分地区的活动产生了影响。在过去 10 年中发现了最大的发现(Tamar、Leviathan、Zohr),尽管勘探活动很激烈,但盆地的部分地区仍未得到充分勘探。流域内开盘历史最长、最成功的公司是埃尼。如今,大多数主要石油公司都活跃在该盆地,即使在 70 年后仍被认为是世界勘探热点之一。地质多样性并不是如此复杂和偶发性勘探历史的唯一原因:商业(天然气市场)和地缘政治问题也对盆地部分地区的活动产生了影响。在过去 10 年中发现了最大的发现(Tamar、Leviathan、Zohr),尽管勘探活动很激烈,但盆地的部分地区仍未得到充分勘探。流域内开盘历史最长、最成功的公司是埃尼。如今,大多数主要石油公司都活跃在该盆地,即使在 70 年后仍被认为是世界勘探热点之一。地质多样性并不是如此复杂和偶发性勘探历史的唯一原因:商业(天然气市场)和地缘政治问题也对盆地部分地区的活动产生了影响。在过去 10 年中发现了最大的发现(Tamar、Leviathan、Zohr),尽管勘探活动很激烈,但盆地的部分地区仍未得到充分勘探。流域内开盘历史最长、最成功的公司是埃尼。如今,大多数主要石油公司都活跃在该盆地,即使在 70 年后仍被认为是世界勘探热点之一。Leviathan, Zohr),尽管勘探活动很激烈,但盆地的部分地区仍未得到充分开发。流域内开盘历史最长、最成功的公司是埃尼。如今,大多数主要石油公司都活跃在该盆地,即使在 70 年后仍被认为是世界勘探热点之一。Leviathan, Zohr),尽管勘探活动很激烈,但盆地的部分地区仍未得到充分开发。流域内开盘历史最长、最成功的公司是埃尼。如今,大多数主要石油公司都活跃在该盆地,即使在 70 年后仍被认为是世界勘探热点之一。
