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Indigenous community psychologies, decolonization, and radical imagination within ecologies of knowledges
American Journal of Community Psychology ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-11 , DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12583
Nuria Ciofalo 1 , Patricia Dudgeon 2 , Linda W Nikora 3

As the American Psychological Association Taskforce on Indigenous Psychology acknowledges, fidelity to the inalienable right to self-determination is the ethical foundation of Indigenous psychology. The task of decolonizing psychology is not only about divesting from Eurocentric paradigms that have controlled and limited Indigenous wellbeing, but producing new paradigms founded on Indigenous knowledges. The Indigenous paradigm of social and emotional wellbeing is both a new therapeutic practice and theory of wellbeing. As the exploration of the domains of SEWB has shown, findings from the National Empowerment Project indicate that strengthening a connection to culture is identified as of highest importance to the flourishing of Indigenous individuals, families, and communities. Wellbeing in Abya Yala (the Americas) is conceived as Sumak Kawsay or Buen Vivir and Māori constructs of wellbeing as Hauora. These transnational wellbeing conceptualizations can be situated within a larger global health movement, which is centered on strengthening Indigenous cultures of wellbeing, and sustainable planet–people relationships. Indigenous community psychologies are not anthropocentric and are centered on the sacredness of nature, the cultivation of spirituality, and accountability to maintain harmonious ecosystem relationships. Indigenous community psychologies from Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and Mexico are brought in plurilogue envisioning international solidarity networks that engage communities, activists, and committed student generations.



正如美国心理学会土著心理学工作组所承认的那样,忠于不可剥夺的自决权是土著心理学的伦理基础。心理学非殖民化的任务不仅在于摆脱控制和限制土著福祉的欧洲中心范式,还在于产生基于土著知识的新范式。社会和情感幸福的土著范式既是一种新的治疗实践,也是一种幸福理论。正如对 SEWB 领域的探索所表明的那样,国家赋权项目的调查结果表明,加强与文化的联系被认为对土著个人、家庭和社区的繁荣至关重要。Abya Yala(美洲)的幸福被认为是Sumak KawsayBuen Vivir和毛利人将幸福构建为Hauora。这些跨国福祉概念化可以置于更大的全球健康运动中,该运动的中心是加强土著的福祉文化和可持续的地球-人类关系。土著社区心理不是以人类为中心的,而是以自然的神圣性、灵性的培养和维护和谐生态系统关系的责任为中心。来自澳大利亚、新西兰和墨西哥的原住民社区心理被引入了多语言,设想了让社区、活动家和忠诚的学生世代参与的国际团结网络。