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Conflicting interests and growing importance of non-indigenous species in commercial and recreational fisheries of the Mediterranean Sea
Fisheries Management and Ecology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-10 , DOI: 10.1111/fme.12531
Periklis Kleitou 1, 2 , Dimitrios K. Moutopoulos 3 , Ioannis Giovos 1, 3, 4 , Demetris Kletou 1 , Ioannis Savva 1 , Leda L. Cai 1 , Jason M. Hall‐Spencer 2 , Anastasia Charitou 4 , Maria Elia 1 , George Katselis 3 , Siân Rees 2

Non-indigenous species (NIS) are spreading and reshaping Mediterranean Sea biological communities and fishery resources. The present study used fisheries data and structured interviews to assess the impacts of NIS on recreational and commercial fishers in Cyprus. NIS that have been present in Cyprus for more than two decades were mostly perceived by local fishers as native, NIS with high market value were considered to be beneficial, and venomous or poisonous NIS were considered to be deleterious. Pufferfishes (Tetraodontidae) were identified by fishers as causing significant economic damage, which undermines the sustainability of the commercial fishing sector. The most popular and highly priced NIS were rabbitfishes (Siganus spp.). In terms of commercial landings, six non-indigenous taxa contributed over a quarter of the total landing value and more than half during the summer season. The results of the present study emphasised the multifaceted interactions of NIS with the fishing sector, and how policy objectives may not align with social and commercial fishery interests.



非本土物种 (NIS) 正在传播和重塑地中海生物群落和渔业资源。本研究使用渔业数据和结构化访谈来评估 NIS 对塞浦路斯休闲和商业渔民的影响。在塞浦路斯存在了 20 多年的 NIS 大多被当地渔民认为是本地的,具有高市场价值的 NIS 被认为是有益的,有毒或有毒的 NIS 被认为是有害的。河豚(Tetraodontidae)被渔民确定为造成重大经济损失,这破坏了商业捕鱼部门的可持续性。最受欢迎和价格最高的 NIS 是兔鱼(Siganus种)。在商业登陆方面,六个非本土分类群贡献了总登陆价值的四分之一以上,在夏季占一半以上。本研究的结果强调了 NIS 与渔业部门的多方面相互作用,以及政策目标如何可能与社会和商业渔业利益不一致。