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Investigation on types of corn rust in eastern Yunnan ecology and analysis of population genetic structure of its rusts
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-06 , DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2021.2012250
Zhu Wenqiang 1 , Wang Jingran 1 , Wu Qi 1 , Wang Na 2 , Guo Jianwei 3 , Yang Zilin 4 , Sha Yun 5 , Liu Lin 1, 2 , Li Chengyun 1


Corn rust disease can be classified into four types: common corn rust, southern corn rust, tropical corn rust and stem corn rust. In this paper, 270 samples of corn rust gathered from Yunnan province were identified by observation of symptom and pathogen morphology, detection of specific molecular markers between Puccinia sorghi Schw and Puccinia polysora Unedrw. The results showed that 180 samples of corn rust collected form Qujing, Zhaotong, Kunming, Honghe (Mile, Kaiyuan and Jianshui) were common corn rust caused by Puccinia sorghi Schw; and 90 samples of corn rust collected form Wenshan and Honghe (Pinbian) were southern corn rust. Morphology and aspect ratio compared Puccinia sorghi Schw with Puccinia polysora Unedrw. The uredospores of Puccinia polysora Unedrw were oval and the aspect ratio of 81.6% of all uredospores from Puccinia polysora Unedrw was greater than 1.2. The uredospores of Puccinia sorghi Schw were nearly round, and their aspect ratio was 1.0-1.3. In addition, the population genetic structure of all corn rust samples was analyzed by ISSR molecular marker. Concerning Puccinia polysora Unedrw, the genetic diversity was larger in Wenshan than in Honghe. In Puccinia sorghi Schw, the population genetic diversity was larger in Zhaotong and the lowest in Kunming.




玉米锈病可分为普通玉米锈病、南方玉米锈病、热带玉米锈病和茎杆玉米锈病四种类型。本文对云南采集的270份玉米锈病样品通过症状和病原形态观察、高粱锈病与多肉锈病Unedrw特异分子标志物检测等方法进行鉴定。结果表明,从曲靖、昭通、昆明、红河(弥勒、开元、建水)采集的180份玉米锈病样品为高粱锈病常见的玉米锈病;文山和红河(品边)90份玉米锈病样品均为南方玉米锈病。高粱锈病多肉锈病的形态学和纵横比比较Unedrw。Puccinia polysora Unedrw的孢子呈椭圆形,81.6%的Puccinia polysora Unedrw的孢子长径比大于1.2。高粱锈病孢子近圆形,纵横比为1.0-1.3 此外,通过ISSR分子标记分析了所有玉米锈病样品的群体遗传结构。多刺锈菌Unedrw的遗传多样性在文山大于红河。高粱柄锈菌种群遗传多样性在昭通较大,昆明最低。
