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Effects of water recirculation on microalgae assemblage and corresponding sustainability of the photobioreactor cultivation system
Biomass & Bioenergy ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2021.106326
Carly Daiek 1 , Wei Liao 1 , Yan Liu 1

An algae photobioreactor (APB) was used to determine the effect of water recirculation on the growth of algal assemblage. CO2 in the flue gas from a power plant was the carbon source. Boiler water was used as the source water. The results showed that microalgae cultivation under recirculation conditions was stable over a period of four months. Biomass productivities during the 1st through 4th months of recirculation (0.26, 0.23, 0.20, and 0.18 g L−1 d−1, respectively) were not significantly different than freshwater (0.22 g L −1 d −1). Furthermore, the relationship between eukaryotic and bacterial domains in the assemblage remained consistent throughout the four months of recirculation (80.7, 87.1, 83.1, and 82.1%, respectively, and 19.2, 12.8, 16.9, and 17.8%, respectively). This was not significantly different than the abundance of each domain in the control freshwater cultivation (83.7% eukaryotic and 16.2% bacterial). A 1 m3 photobioreactor was then envisioned for a mass, energy, and exergy analysis to evaluate the water recirculation on sustainability of the culture system. The mass balance analysis concluded that 98% reduction in water usage, 25% reduction in nitrogen, and 12.5% reduction in phosphorus could be achieved during cultivation operating under recirculation for one year, while maintaining biomass productivity of 1.2 kg wet algal biomass and sequestration of 0.4 kg CO2 per day. The exergy balance analysis concluded that without considering solar irradiation, the culture with water recirculation greatly enhanced the rational exergy efficiency, which represents a more sustainable cultivation system for CO2 capture and utilization.



藻类光生物反应器 (APB) 用于确定水再循环对藻类组合生长的影响。发电厂烟气中的CO 2是碳源。锅炉水用作源水。结果表明,再循环条件下的微藻培养在四个月的时间内是稳定的。1期间的生物质的产ST通过4再循环个月(0.26,0.23,0.20,和0.18克L- -1  d -1,分别)为不大于淡水显著不同(0.22克L- -1  d -1)。此外,组合中真核和细菌结构域之间的关系在整个再循环的四个月内保持一致(分别为 80.7、87.1、83.1 和 82.1%,分别为 19.2、12.8、16.9 和 17.8%)。这与对照淡水培养中每个域的丰度(83.7% 真核和 16.2% 细菌)没有显着差异。一个 1 米3然后设想光生物反应器进行质量、能量和火用分析,以评估水再循环对培养系统可持续性的影响。质量平衡分析得出的结论是,在再循环下运行一年的培养期间,可实现用水量减少 98%、氮减少 25% 和磷减少 12.5%,同时保持 1.2 kg 湿藻类生物质的生物质生产力和固存每天0.4 公斤 CO 2。火用平衡分析得出的结论是,在不考虑太阳辐射的情况下,水循环培养大大提高了合理火用效率,代表了一种更可持续的CO 2捕获和利用培养系统。
