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Identifying Occupation Groups for Suicide Prevention: A Statewide Data Linkage Study
Archives of Suicide Research ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-06 , DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2021.2020699
Morissa Henn , Catherine Barber , Wilson Zhang , Michael Staley , Deborah Azrael , Matthew Miller



To identify suicide rates by occupation category in Utah and describe the hospital history and circumstances of suicide decedents in the occupation category that had the state's highest rate and highest number of suicides: Construction and Extraction.


We used data on suicide decedents from the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) for 2005–2015 (n = 4,590) to calculate sex- and occupation-specific suicide rates among adults 18–65 years old in Utah. For working-age men who died by suicide during the years 2014–2015 (n = 623), we linked NVDRS data with decedents’ hospital histories.


One in five working-age men who took their life in Utah worked in Construction and Extraction, the single Bureau of Labor Statistics occupation category with both the highest number (n = 719) and rate of suicides (86.4/100,000 men vs. a range of 15.3–66.2 for other occupations). For females, there was no occupation group that had both high rates of suicide and high numbers of suicides compared with other occupations, so there was no clear occupation group to focus on in the same way there was for men. Using linked data for 2014–2015 deaths, 58% of men in Construction and Extraction who died by suicide had been diagnosed in the hospital in the past three years with a substance abuse or mental health problem, and a quarter (25%) tested positive for opioids on post-mortem examination. Nearly half (48%) of 2014–2015 male suicide decedents in Construction and Extraction were reported to have intimate partner problems, about a quarter (26%) had a criminal problem, a quarter (25%) were unemployed, and over half (54%) died by gunshot.


Linked data identified Construction and Extraction as a potentially high-impact occupation group for suicide prevention and suggested potential contexts for intervention.


  • Construction and Extraction stands out as an occupation group with a very high number and rate of suicides.

  • Two-thirds of male decedents in Construction and Extraction had a substance abuse problem.

  • For Utah females, there were no occupations with both high rates and high numbers of suicides.







我们使用来自国家暴力死亡报告系统 (NVDRS) 的 2005-2015 年自杀死者数据 ( n  = 4,590) 来计算犹他州 18-65 岁成年人的性别和职业特定自杀率。对于 2014-2015 年间死于自杀的工作年龄男性 ( n  = 623),我们将 NVDRS 数据与死者的住院病史联系起来。


在犹他州自杀的五分之一的工作适龄男性从事建筑和采掘业,这是美国劳工统计局的单一职业类别,人数(n = 719)和自杀率(86.4 / 100,000 男性vs.其他职业的范围为 15.3–66.2)。对于女性来说,与其他职业相比,没有自杀率和自杀人数都高的职业群体,因此没有像男性那样明确的职业群体来关注。使用 2014-2015 年死亡的关联数据,在过去三年中,58% 的建筑和采掘业自杀死亡男性在医院被诊断出患有药物滥用或精神健康问题,四分之一 (25%) 的检测呈阳性用于验尸检查的阿片类药物。据报道,2014-2015 年建筑和采掘业男性自杀者中近一半 (48%) 有亲密伴侣问题,约四分之一 (26%) 有犯罪问题,四分之一 (25%) 失业,超过一半 ( 54%)死于枪击。



  • 强调

  • 建筑业和采掘业作为一个职业群体脱颖而出,自杀人数和自杀率都很高。

  • 建筑和采掘业三分之二的男性死者有药物滥用问题。

  • 对于犹他州的女性,没有自杀率和自杀率都很高的职业。
