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Leaf Physiological Responses of Three Psammophytes to Combined Effects of Warming and Precipitation Reduction in Horqin Sandy Land, Northeast China
Frontiers in Plant Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-04 , DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.785653
Wen-Da Huang 1, 2 , Yuan-Zheng He 1, 3 , Huai-Hai Wang 1, 3 , Yuan-Zhong Zhu 1, 3

The decreasing precipitation with global climate warming is the main climatic condition in some sandy grassland ecosystems. The understanding of physiological responses of psammophytes in relation to warming and precipitation is a possible way to estimate the response of plant community stability to climate change. We selected Lespedeza davurica, Artemisia scoparia, and Cleistogenes squarrosa in sandy grassland to examine the effect of a combination of climate warming and decreasing precipitation on relative water content (RWC), chlorophyll, proline, and antioxidant enzyme activities. We found that all experimental treatments have influenced RWC, chlorophyll, proline, and antioxidant enzyme activities of three psammophytes. L. davurica has the highest leaf RWC among the three psammophytes. With the intensification of precipitation reduction, the decreasing amplitude of chlorophyll from three psammophytes was L. davurica > C. squarrosa > A. scoparia. At the natural temperature, the malondialdehyde (MDA) content of the three psammophytes under severe drought treatment was much higher than other treatments, and their increasing degree was as follows: A. scoparia > C. squarrosa > L. davurica. At the same precipitation gradient, the proline of three psammophytes under warming was higher than the natural temperature. The differences in superoxide dismutase (SOD) among the three psammophytes were A. scoparia > L. davurica > C. squarrosa. Moreover, at natural temperature, more than 40% of precipitation reduction was most significant. Regardless of warming or not, the catalase (CAT) activity of A. scoparia under reduced precipitation treatments was higher than natural temperature, while the response of L. davurica was opposite. Correlation analyses evidenced that warming (T) was significant in L. davurica and precipitation (W) was significant in A. scoparia and C. squarrosa according to the Monte-Carlo permutation test (p = 0.002, 0.004, and 0.004). The study is important in predicting how local plants will respond to future climate change and assessing the possible effects of climate change on sandy grassland ecosystems.



全球气候变暖导致降水减少是部分沙质草原生态系统的主要气候条件。了解沙生植物与变暖和降水相关的生理反应是估计植物群落稳定性对气候变化的反应的一种可能方法。我们选择了胡桃, 黄花蒿, 和 鳞茎隐孢子虫在沙质草地上检查气候变暖和降水减少对相对含水量 (RWC)、叶绿素、脯氨酸和抗氧化酶活性的影响。我们发现所有实验处理都影响了三种沙生植物的RWC、叶绿素、脯氨酸和抗氧化酶活性。L. davurica在三种沙生植物中叶RWC最高。随着降水减少的加剧,三种沙生植物叶绿素的下降幅度为L. davurica > C. squarrosa > 牛蒡. 在自然温度下,三种沙生植物在重度干旱处理下的丙二醛(MDA)含量远高于其他处理,其升高程度如下:牛蒡 > C. squarrosa > L. davurica. 在相同降水梯度下,三种沙生植物的脯氨酸在增温下均高于自然温度。三种沙生植物的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)差异为牛蒡 > L. davurica > C. squarrosa。此外,在自然温度下,40%以上的降水减少最为显着。无论变暖与否,过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性牛蒡 在减少降水处理下高于自然温度,而 L. davurica对面。相关性分析证明变暖(T)在L. davurica 降水量(W)在 牛蒡C. squarrosa 根据蒙特卡洛置换检验(p= 0.002、0.004 和 0.004)。该研究对于预测当地植物将如何应对未来的气候变化以及评估气候变化对沙质草原生态系统的可能影响具有重要意义。
