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Book Review: Ethnic Journalism in the Global South, by Anna Gladkova and Sadia Jamil (Eds.)
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-03 , DOI: 10.1177/10776990211068858
Twange Kasoma 1

The debut of Ethnic Journalism in the Global South is timely. The book capitalizes on the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) electricity currently sweeping through all aspects of our being, academic scholarship included. It delves into ethnic journalism—defined as “the practice of journalism by, for and about ethnic communities” (p. 10)—examined concomitantly with ethnic media. Matthew Matsaganis and colleagues (see Understanding Ethnic Media: Producers, Consumers, and Societies, 2011, SAGE Books) define ethnic media as media produced by and for (a) immigrants, (b) racial, ethnic, and linguistic minorities, and (c) indigenous populations living across different countries. In Chapter 1 of this 16-chapter volume, the editors, Anna Gladkova (Leading Researcher and Director of International Affairs Office at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) and Sadia Jamil (Post-doctoral Fellow at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates), note that the Global South, an important DEI ingredient within the globalization framework, has rarely been the focus of researchers’ attention. The book’s treatment of the Global South aligns with postmodernist thinking that privileges history over geography. It essentially links the histories of inequities, oppression, and exclusion across and within countries. The book covers Africa (Ghana and Zimbabwe), Asia (India), Latin America (Brazil and Argentina), Eastern Europe (Bulgaria) and Oceania (New Zealand), and trans-continentally, “Europe and Asia” (Russia and Turkey), and “Africa and Asia” (Egypt).


书评:全球南方的民族新闻,Anna Gladkova 和 Sadia Jamil(主编)

全球南方民族新闻的首次亮相是及时的。这本书利用了目前席卷我们生命各个方面的 DEI(多样性、公平和包容性)电力,包括学术奖学金。它深入研究了民族新闻——定义为“由民族社区、为民族社区和关于民族社区的新闻实践”(第 10 页)——与民族媒体同时进行了审查。Matthew Matsaganis 及其同事(见了解民族媒体:生产者、消费者和社会, 2011, SAGE Books) 将民族媒体定义为由 (a) 移民,(b) 种族、民族和语言少数群体,以及 (c) 生活在不同国家的土著人口制作的媒体。在这本 16 章卷的第 1 章中,编辑 Anna Gladkova(俄罗斯罗蒙诺索夫莫斯科国立大学新闻学院首席研究员兼国际事务办公室主任)和 Sadia Jamil(人文系博士后研究员)和社会科学(阿拉伯联合酋长国哈利法科技大学))指出,作为全球化框架内重要的 DEI 组成部分的全球南方很少成为研究人员关注的焦点。这本书对全球南方的处理与将历史置于地理之上的后现代主义思想相一致。它本质上将国家之间和国家内部的不平等、压迫和排斥的历史联系起来。本书涵盖非洲(加纳和津巴布韦)、亚洲(印度)、拉丁美洲(巴西和阿根廷)、东欧(保加利亚)和大洋洲(新西兰),以及跨大陆的“欧洲和亚洲”(俄罗斯和土耳其) ,以及“非洲和亚洲”(埃及)。