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Experience, Emotion, and Exhaustion: How Unionization Influences Emotional Labor
Review of Public Personnel Administration ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-03 , DOI: 10.1177/0734371x211068171
Randall S. Davis 1 , Edmund C. Stazyk 2 , Erika D. Kline 1 , Adam C. Green 1

While HRM scholars have built a rich body of knowledge regarding emotional labor (EL), we know comparatively less about the social origins of EL components and individual outcomes in government work contexts. To address this gap, we employ conservation of resources theory to examine how one prominent social institution within government organizations, labor unions, influence the process through which EL shapes one individual-level outcome, emotional exhaustion. We also draw from the process model of EL developed by Brotheridge and Lee to evaluate one specific countervailing resource, person-job fit. Results obtained using data from the 2016 U.S. Merit Principles Survey suggest that unionization indirectly increases emotional exhaustion via increases in the perceived need for false face acting. While unionization does not have a direct relationship with person-job fit, perceived increases in the need for false face acting contributes to emotional exhaustion by reducing person-job fit.



虽然人力资源管理学者已经建立了关于情绪劳动 (EL) 的丰富知识体系,但我们对 EL 组件的社会起源和政府工作环境中的个人成果知之甚少。为了解决这一差距,我们采用资源保护理论来研究政府组织中的一个重要社会机构,即工会,如何影响 EL 塑造个人层面结果的过程,即情绪衰竭。我们还借鉴了 Brotheridge 和 Lee 开发的 EL 过程模型来评估一种特定的抵消资源,即人与工作的匹配度。使用 2016 年美国绩效原则调查的数据获得的结果表明,工会化通过增加对虚假面孔行为的感知需求间接增加了情绪衰竭。
