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Opportunity of the Century
Strategic Analysis ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-30 , DOI: 10.1080/09700161.2021.1999693
Mohammed Ayoob


The year 1971’s geostrategic significance for the Indian subcontinent rivals that of 1947 when British India was divided into India and Pakistan. While the roots of Bangladesh's secession from Pakistan lay firmly within the Pakistani polity, India's political support for the Bangladesh freedom movement and its military intervention were crucial for the liberation of Bangladesh. The Indian campaign for the liberation of Bangladesh was brilliantly conceived and deftly executed. Although humanitarian considerations, especially the influx of ten million refugees into India, played a role the major factors determining the decision to intervene militarily in the Bangladesh crisis were political and strategic in character. This article analyzes these factors as well as the decision-making process that led to India midwifing the birth of Bangladesh.




1971 年对印度次大陆的地缘战略意义可与 1947 年英属印度分裂为印度和巴基斯坦的情况相媲美。虽然孟加拉国从巴基斯坦脱离的根源牢牢地扎根于巴基斯坦政体,但印度对孟加拉国自由运动的政治支持及其军事干预对孟加拉国的解放至关重要。印度解放孟加拉国的运动构思巧妙,执行巧妙。尽管人道主义考虑,特别是一千万难民涌入印度,发挥了作用,但决定以军事方式干预孟加拉国危机的主要因素是政治和战略性质的。
