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EAO-454 / OC-PIB-008 | Re-osseointegration after electrolytic cleaning and GBR of peri-implantitis in humans
Clinical Oral Implants Research ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-28 , DOI: 10.1111/clr.27_13855

Dieter Bosshardt1,*; Urs Brodbeck2; Florian Rathe3; Thomas Stumpf3; Paul Weigl4; Markus Schlee3,5

1Periodontology, University of Bern, Bern; 2Private Practice, Zürich, Switzerland; 3Private Practice, Forchheim; 4Medical Technology Research, Carolinum University Dental Institute; 5Maxillofacial Surgery, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Background: Peri-implantitis is a frequent biological complication. Numerous methods of implant surface decontamination have been tested and applied. However, none of the surface decontamination methods tested so far have proven to be superior. Very recently, re-osseointegration of contaminated implant surfaces was demonstrated after electrolytic cleaning in a preclinical study. Proof of this concept in humans, however, is missing.

Aim/Hypothesis: To evaluate whether the electrolytic cleaning technique together with regenerative therapy can achieve re-osseointegration of dental implants that developed peri-implantitis in humans.

Material and Methods: In a large clinical study, dental implants that developed peri-implantitis underwent electrolytic cleaning followed by regenerative therapy with guided bone regeneration. Four implants developed recurrent peri-implantitis with implant exposure and explantation was indicated 6 to 13 months after treatment. Radiographic bone level, probing depth, and bleeding on probing were determined at the time of surgery, 6 months later, and before implant retrieval. The peri-implant tissues were histologically and histomorphometrically analyzed.

Results: All four implants demonstrated radiographic and histological bone gain, reduced probing depth and bleeding on probing. Radiographic bone gain was 5.8 mm mesially and 4.8 mm distally for implant #1, 3.3 mm and 2.3 mm for implant #2, 3.1 mm and 0.5 mm for implant #3, and 3.5 mm and 2.8 mm for implant #4. The histometric mean and maximum vertical bone gain for implant #1 to #4 was 1.65 mm and 2.54 mm, 3.04 mm and 3.47 mm, 0.43 mm and 1.27 mm, and 4.15 mm and 5.21 mm, respectively. In one implant, the newly formed bone was deposited directly onto calculus on the implant surface.

Conclusion and Clinical implications: Re-osseointegration of dental implants was proven in humans after electrolytic cleaning and regenerative therapy of peri-implantitis. New bone formation on residual calculus indicated that the electrolytic cleaning process had an effective decontamination effect.

Disclosure of Interest: D. Bosshardt: None Declared, U. Brodbeck Conflict with: financial interest, Conflict with: product inventor, F. Rathe: None Declared, T. Stumpf: None Declared, P. Weigl: None Declared, M. Schlee Conflict with: Consultant, Conflict with: financial interest

Keywords: dental implants, osseointegration, peri-implantitis


EAO-454 / OC-PIB-008 | 人类种植体周围炎电解清洗后的再骨整合和 GBR

迪特·博斯哈特1,* ; 乌尔斯·布罗德贝克2 ; 弗洛里安·拉特3 ; 托马斯·斯通普夫3 ; 保罗威格尔4 ; 马库斯·施利3,5




材料和方法:在一项大型临床研究中,对发生种植体周围炎的牙种植体进行电解清洗,然后进行引导骨再生的再生治疗。4 个种植体因种植体暴露而出现复发性种植体周围炎,并在治疗后 6 至 13 个月进行了移植。在手术时、6 个月后和取回种植体之前确定 X 线骨水平、探诊深度和探诊出血。对种植体周围组织进行组织学和组织形态学分析。

结果:所有四颗种植体均表现出放射学和组织学骨量增加、探诊深度减少和探诊出血。植入物#1 的射线照相骨增量为近中 5.8 毫米和远侧 4.8 毫米,种植体 #2 为 3.3 毫米和 2.3 毫米,种植体 #3 为 3.1 毫米和 0.5 毫米,种植体 #4 为 3.5 毫米和 2.8 毫米。种植体#1 至#4 的组织学平均和最大垂直骨增量分别为 1.65 毫米和 2.54 毫米、3.04 毫米和 3.47 毫米、0.43 毫米和 1.27 毫米以及 4.15 毫米和 5.21 毫米。在一个种植体中,新形成的骨直接沉积在种植体表面的牙结石上。


利益披露:D. Bosshardt:未声明,U. Brodbeck 与:财务利益的冲突,与:产品发明者的冲突,F. Rathe:未声明,T. Stumpf:未声明,P. Weigl:未声明,M. Schlee冲突:顾问,冲突:经济利益

【关键词】: 种植牙 骨结合 种植体周围炎
