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EAO-377 / OC-PIB-010 | Assessment of volumetric tissue changes following combined surgical therapy of peri-implantitis
Clinical Oral Implants Research ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-28 , DOI: 10.1111/clr.29_13855

Karina Obreja1; Ausra Ramanauskaite1,*; Katharina Müller1; Amira Begić1; Maria Elisa Galarraga Vinueza1,2; Puria Parvini1; Frank Schwarz1

1Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Implantologie, Zentrum der Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 2Post-Graduate Program in Implant Dentistry (PPGO), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopolis, Brazil

Background: To assess volumetric tissue changes at peri-implantitis sites following combined surgical therapy of peri-implantitis over a 24-month follow-up period.

Aim/Hypothesis: -

Material and Methods: 20 patients (n = 33 implants) diagnosed with peri-implantitis were treated with a combined surgical approach including implantoplasty at supracrestally and bucally exposed implant surfaces and augmentation at intra-bony components using a natural bone mineral and the application of a native collagen membrane. The peri-implant region of interest (ROI) was intra-orally scanned pre-operatively (S0) and after 12 (S1) and 24 (S2) months following the surgery. Digital files were converted to standard tessellation language (STL) format for the superimposition and evaluation of volumetric peri-implant tissue changes between different time points. Volumetric measurements were assessed at a standardized ROI, subdivided into two sections (i.e. marginal and apical).

Results: Volumetric tissue analysis revealed a mean thickness loss of -0.14 (SD 0.33) mm and -0.14 (SD 0.42) mm at 12 and 24 months, respectively. S0 to S1 analysis pointed to thickness changes of -0.20 mm (SD 0.31) and -0.13 (SD 0.24) mm at the marginal and apical regions, respectively (p = 0.45). S0 to S2 analysis showed corresponding thickness changes of -0.18 (SD 0.41) mm at the marginal region and -0.01 (SD 0.28) mm at the apical region (p = 0.043).

Conclusion and Clinical implications: Over a 24-month period, the combined surgical therapy of peri-implantitis was associated with a reduction in peri-implant tissue volume, which was more pronounced in the marginal region.

Disclosure of Interest: None Declared

Keywords: None


EAO-377 / OC-PIB-010 | 种植体周围炎联合手术治疗后体积组织变化的评估

卡琳娜·奥布雷哈1 ; Ausra Ramanauskaite 1,* ; 凯瑟琳娜·穆勒1 ; 阿米拉·贝吉奇1 ; 玛丽亚·伊莉莎·加拉拉加·维努埃萨1,2 ; 普里亚帕尔维尼1 ; 弗兰克施瓦茨1

1 Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Implantologie, Zentrum der Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, 美因河畔法兰克福,德国;2种植牙学研究生课程 (PPGO),圣卡塔琳娜联邦大学 (UFSC),巴西弗洛里亚诺波利斯

背景:在 24 个月的随访期内,评估种植体周围炎联合手术治疗后种植体周围炎部位的体积组织变化。

目标/假设: -

材料和方法: 20 名被诊断为种植体周围炎的患者(n = 33 个种植体)采用联合手术方法进行治疗,包括在上颌和颊侧暴露的种植体表面进行种植体成形术以及使用天然骨矿物质在骨内组件处进行增强,并应用天然胶原膜。在手术前 (S0) 和手术后 12 (S1) 和 24 (S2) 个月后,对种植体周围感兴趣区域 (ROI) 进行口腔内扫描。数字文件被转换为标准曲面细分语言 (STL) 格式,用于叠加和评估不同时间点之间种植体周围组织的体积变化。体积测量以标准化的 ROI 进行评估,分为两个部分(即边缘和顶端)。

结果:体积组织分析显示,在 12 个月和 24 个月时,平均厚度损失分别为 -0.14 (SD 0.33) mm 和 -0.14 (SD 0.42) mm。S0 到 S1 分析表明边缘和顶端区域的厚度变化分别为 -0.20 mm (SD 0.31) 和 -0.13 (SD 0.24) mm ( p = 0.45)。S0 至 S2 分析显示边缘区域的相应厚度变化为 -0.18 (SD 0.41) mm,顶端区域的厚度变化为 -0.01 (SD 0.28) mm ( p = 0.043)。

结论和临床意义:在 24 个月的时间里,种植体周围炎的联合手术治疗与种植体周围组织体积的减少有关,这在边缘区域更为明显。


