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The Novallas bronze tablet: An inscription in the Celtiberian language and the Latin alphabet from Spain
Journal of Roman Archaeology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-29 , DOI: 10.1017/s1047759421000635
Francisco Beltrán Lloris 1 , Carlos Jordán Cólera 1 , Borja Díaz Ariño 2 , Ignacio Simón Cornago 3

The Novallas Bronze may be considered one of the most important epigraphic finds in recent years in Spain. It is a fragment of a public document datable to the last decades of the 1st c. BCE, composed in the Celtiberian language but written in the Latin alphabet. The Novallas Bronze is not only one of the latest inscriptions composed in this language – over half a century later than the famous inscriptions from Contrebia Belaisca – but also the longest Celtiberian document written in the Latin alphabet known thus far. This paper offers a complete publication of this exceptional document, as well as an analysis of the principal developments that the artifact illuminates and the consequent implications for the transformations that the Celtiberian people underwent during the transition from Republic to Empire, with particular focus on the process of Latinization.



诺瓦拉斯青铜器可能被认为是近年来西班牙最重要的碑文发现之一。它是可追溯至公元 1 世纪最后几十年的公共文件的片段。公元前,用凯尔特比利亚语写成,但用拉丁字母书写。Novallas Bronze 不仅是用这种语言书写的最新铭文之一——比 Contrebia Belaisca 的著名铭文晚了半个多世纪——而且还是迄今为止已知的用拉丁字母书写的最长的凯尔特比利亚文献。本文提供了这份特殊文件的完整出版物,并分析了该人工制品所阐明的主要发展以及对凯尔特比利亚人民在从共和国向帝国过渡期间所经历的转变的后续影响,