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Sexual Offenders With Intellectual Disabilities: An Exploratory Comparison Study in an Incarcerated U.S. Sample
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-29 , DOI: 10.1177/0306624x211066825
Perry A Callahan 1 , Elizabeth L Jeglic 1 , Cynthia Calkins 1

Research indicates that individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) are overrepresented among sexual offenders, and that those with ID might differ from those without ID in terms of the etiology of offending behavior. Despite this, few studies have explored ID using incarcerated U.S. samples. The present study sought to identify relevant characteristics of this population by comparing individuals with and without ID who are incarcerated in the U.S. for sexual offenses. Archival records for 3,066 participants were used to determine demographic, historical, and offense-related characteristics. Participants with ID, including those with borderline ID, comprised 19.1% of the sample and displayed elevated rates of adverse childhood experiences and psychopathology. Contrary to previous research, participants with ID were no more likely to offend against children than those without ID. These findings help to elucidate the etiology of offending behavior among those with ID and inform on potential targets for intervention.



研究表明,性犯罪者中智障人士 (ID) 所占比例过高,而且在犯罪行为的病因方面,智障人士可能与非智障人士有所不同。尽管如此,很少有研究使用美国被监禁的样本来探索 ID。本研究试图通过比较因性犯罪而在美国被监禁的有身份证明和无身份证明的人,以确定该人群的相关特征。 3,066 名参与者的档案记录用于确定人口统计、历史和犯罪相关特征。患有智力障碍的参与者,包括边缘智力障碍的参与者,占样本的 19.1%,并且表现出不良童年经历和精神病理学的比例较高。与之前的研究相反,有智力障碍的参与者并不比没有智力障碍的参与者更有可能冒犯儿童。这些发现有助于阐明智力障碍者犯罪行为的病因,并为潜在的干预目标提供信息。
