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Lilith: A Rabbinic Projection of the Demonic Female
Psychological Perspectives ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-27 , DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2021.1959206
Susan Schept

Why has the ancient Sumerian myth of the demon goddess Lilith become part of Jewish lore? Rabbinic sages (100 C.E. to 600 C.E.) applied midrash, a method of Jewish textual analysis, to the original biblical creation story to validate the position that Eve was Adam’s equal partner. Why did the rabbinic sages of the Talmud feel the compulsion to augment the biblical story of Adam and Eve with the Near Eastern myth of the dark feminine of Lilith? These questions are addressed using object relations theory and the Jungian archetypes of the Great Mother and the anima. The lens of psychological theory shows that this mythic goddess has the potential to re-emerge from the depths of the unconscious.



为什么古代苏美尔神话中的恶魔女神莉莉丝会成为犹太人传说的一部分?拉比圣人(公元 100 年至公元 600 年)将midrash(一种犹太文本分析方法)应用于原始圣经创世故事,以验证夏娃是亚当平等伙伴的立场。为什么塔木德的拉比圣人觉得有必要用莉莉丝的黑暗女性的近东神话来扩充亚当和夏娃的圣经故事?使用客体关系理论和荣格的伟大母亲和阿尼玛原型来解决这些问题。心理学理论的镜头表明,这位神话女神有从潜意识深处重新出现的潜力。
