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Psychological Perspectives Pub Date : 2021-12-27 , DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2021.1959218
Corey Hooper

Why does Medea’s act of killing her children stand out as one of the most horrific crimes/taboos in our collective memory? Why are we repulsed and why do we shudder as we hear her story, as well as other accounts of infanticide? Medea’s rageful act goes deep to a dark core of the psyche that we all possess. It horrifies us when we realize that we too have a similar potential for rage, hatred, and violence. It frightens us and pulls us inward; it is indeed awe-ful. The intent of this paper is to look at what happens symbolically when one is faced with and threatened with possession by dark forces that are part of our nature and our deeper Selves. I will attempt to illustrate from a depth-oriented, Jungian lens how Medea was possessed and ruled by the gods and goddesses; how hatred, the rage of being betrayed and separated from husband, homeland (and Self) ultimately leads her back to her essential nature of the sorceress, the dark side of the feminine.



