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Potential Race and Gender Biases in High-Stakes Teacher Observations
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management ( IF 3.917 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-27 , DOI: 10.1002/pam.22352
Jason A. Grissom 1 , Brendan Bartanen

Classroom observations are the largest component of evaluation ratings given to teachers in the multiple-measure evaluation systems states have implemented in the last decade. Using data from the first eight years of Tennessee's teacher evaluation system, we document race and gender gaps in observation ratings and ask whether these gaps reflect true differences in instructional effectiveness. White and female teachers receive, on average, 0.15 standard deviations (SD) and 0.30 SD higher observation ratings than their Black and male colleagues. Gaps persist even conditional on other measures of teachers’ effectiveness, such as value-added to student test scores or student attendance, consistent with potential bias. The Black–White gap is largest in schools where Black teachers are racially isolated and is partly explained by Black teachers’ propensity to be assigned less advantaged students within their schools. Teachers receive somewhat higher ratings from raters of the same race. We find no same-gender rater effects and, beyond score differences associated with grade and subject taught, uncover few explanations for the large advantage women see in observation ratings. Our results suggest the need for steps to address bias in evaluation processes to ensure the accuracy of evaluation feedback and fair, equitable treatment of teachers in evaluation and staffing actions that rely on it.



课堂观察是在过去十年中各州实施的多措施评估系统中给予教师的评估评级的最大组成部分。利用田纳西州教师评估系统前八年的数据,我们记录了观察评级中的种族和性别差距,并询问这些差距是否反映了教学效果的真实差异。白人和女教师的观察评级平均比黑人和男同事高 0.15 个标准差 (SD) 和 0.30 个标准差。差距仍然存在,甚至取决于教师效率的其他衡量标准,例如学生考试成绩的附加值或学生出勤率,这与潜在的偏见一致。在黑人教师被种族隔离的学校中,黑人与白人之间的差距最大,部分原因是黑人教师倾向于在他们的学校里分配到弱势学生。教师从同一种族的评分者那里获得更高的评分。我们没有发现同性别的评分者效应,除了与年级和所教科目相关的分数差异之外,几乎没有发现女性在观察评分中看到的巨大优势的解释。我们的结果表明,需要采取措施解决评估过程中的偏见,以确保评估反馈的准确性以及在评估和依赖反馈的人员配置行动中公平、公正地对待教师。我们没有发现同性别的评分者效应,除了与年级和所教科目相关的分数差异之外,几乎没有发现女性在观察评分中看到的巨大优势的解释。我们的结果表明,需要采取措施解决评估过程中的偏见,以确保评估反馈的准确性以及在评估和依赖反馈的人员配置行动中公平、公正地对待教师。我们没有发现同性别的评分者效应,除了与年级和所教科目相关的分数差异之外,几乎没有发现女性在观察评分中看到的巨大优势的解释。我们的结果表明,需要采取措施解决评估过程中的偏见,以确保评估反馈的准确性以及在评估和依赖反馈的人员配置行动中公平、公正地对待教师。