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Black Emotions Matter: Understanding the Impact of Racial Oppression on Black Youth’s Emotional Development
Journal of Research on Adolescence ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-27 , DOI: 10.1111/jora.12699
Fantasy T Lozada 1 , Tennisha N Riley 2 , Evandra Catherine 3 , Deon W Brown 1

Black US Americans’ emotions are subject to stereotypes about the anger and aggression of Black people. These stereotypes are readily applied to Black adolescents’ emotions. The purpose of this conceptual paper is to operationalize racial oppression in the emotional lives of Black adolescents through an application of García Coll et al.'s (1996) ecological model for minority youth development. We specify emotionally inhibitive features of Black adolescents’ schools, the adaptive culture of Black Americans in the United States that responds to emotional inhibition, Black families’ emotion socialization processes, and Black adolescents’ emotional flexibility behaviors. Throughout, we integrate findings from research on Black adolescents’ emotional adjustment with research on cultural values, emotion and racial socialization, school-based racial experiences, and theory on emotion and cultural navigation.



美国黑人的情绪受到关于黑人愤怒和攻击性的刻板印象的影响。这些刻板印象很容易应用于黑人青少年的情绪。这篇概念性论文的目的是通过应用 García Coll et al. (1996) 的少数民族青年发展生态模型,在黑人青少年的情感生活中实施种族压迫。我们详细说明了黑人青少年学校的情绪抑制特征、美国黑人对情绪抑制作出反应的适应性文化、黑人家庭的情绪社会化过程以及黑人青少年的情绪灵活性行为。在整个过程中,我们将黑人青少年情绪调整的研究结果与文化价值观、情绪和种族社会化的研究相结合,