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Speed Improves With Eccentric Hamstring Training in Athletes of Different Maturity Status
Pediatric Exercise Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-13 , DOI: 10.1123/pes.2021-0080
Raouf Hammami 1, 2 , Javier Gene-Morales 3 , Ammar Nebigh 1, 2 , Haithem Rebai 2 , Juan C Colado 3

Purpose: To investigate the effects of an eccentric hamstring strength training program (EHT) on sprint performance (10-, 20-, and 30-m sprint times) and change of direction speed (4 × 5-m shuttle run and T-Half test) in male European handball athletes at 2 maturity statuses (prepeak and postpeak height velocity [PHV]). Methods: Forty-five participants (12.68 [1.58] y) were divided into pre-PHV and post-PHV and randomly allocated to a control or intervention group, which performed a guided 2 day per week 6-week EHT of 5 exercises. A mixed-model (within- and between-factor) analysis of variance was conducted. Results: A significant effect (P < .05) of the interaction time × maturity × training was observed in the T-Half, 10, and 30 m tests. Both intervention groups significantly improved in all the tests, except in the 20 m sprint and the post-PHV in the 10 m sprint. Improvements ranged between 0.93% and 5.74% (effect size: 0.07–0.79). Both control groups yielded no improvements in almost all the tests. The improvements of both groups undergoing the intervention (pre-PHV and post-PHV) were not significantly different (only a tendency in the 10 m sprint). Conclusion: An EHT program combined with European-handball training improve change of direction and sprint performance in pre-PHV and post-PHV male players. Professionals training European handball and similar team-sport athletes should consider including EHT regardless of athlete’s maturity.



目的研究偏心腘绳肌力量训练计划 (EHT) 对冲刺表现(10 米、20 米和 30 米冲刺时间)和方向速度变化(4 × 5 米穿梭跑和 T 型半跑)的影响测试)在 2 种成熟状态(峰前和峰后身高速度 [PHV])的男性欧洲手球运动员中。方法 45 名参与者(12.68 [1.58] y)被分为 PHV 前和 PHV 后,并随机分配到对照组或干预组,该组每周进行 2 天、6 周的 EHT,共 5 次锻炼。进行了混合模型(因子内和因子间)方差分析。结果:显着效果 ( P < .05) 的交互时间 × 成熟度 × 训练在 T-Half、10 和 30 m 测试中观察到。除了 20 米冲刺和 10 米冲刺的 PHV 后,两个干预组在所有测试中都有显着改善。改善范围在 0.93% 和 5.74% 之间(效应大小:0.07–0.79)。两个对照组几乎在所有测试中都没有改善。接受干预的两组(PHV 前和 PHV 后)的改善没有显着差异(只有 10 米冲刺的趋势)。结论EHT 计划与欧洲手球训练相结合,可改善 PHV 前和 PHV 后男性运动员的方向变化和短跑表现。无论运动员的成熟度如何,训练欧洲手球和类似团队运动运动员的专业人士都应考虑纳入 EHT。
