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Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Investigative interviewing: A systematic review highlighting clinical and legal implications and recommendations
Behavioral Sciences & the Law ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-13 , DOI: 10.1002/bsl.2552
David J Gilbert 1 , Clare S Allely 1 , Raja A S Mukherjee 1, 2 , Penny A Cook 1

Individuals with foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are estimated to be 19 times more likely to encounter the criminal justice system (CJS) in comparison to individuals without FASD. During encounters with the CJS, investigative interviews are employed to obtain accurate information from suspects, victims or witnesses of crime. A systematic search using PRISMA guidelines was performed to identify empirical studies published that have explored the questioning of the FASD population within the CJS and the vulnerabilities of FASD-impacted individuals during investigative interviewing. A total of 383 studies were identified from the databases searched and 7 further studies were identified from Google Scholar. After deduplication, abstract and title screening, the full text of 23 studies were assessed for inclusion and 5 were included in the narrative synthesis of results. Two papers were empirical studies focussed on the performance of FASD-impacted individuals during investigative interviewing. Whilst the first study found the FASD population susceptible to suggestions, the second (a case study), identified the ploys employed during investigative interviewing to obtain a confession. Three papers studied the wider vulnerabilities of FASD-impacted individuals and found diminished psycho-legal abilities, increased risk of recidivism and biological, psychological and social factors that render FASD-impacted individuals vulnerable to CJS encounters. Despite the greater likelihood of CJS encounters, the result of this review highlights the slim evidence base useful to establish the vulnerabilities of FASD-impacted individuals within the CJS.



据估计,患有胎儿酒精谱系障碍 (FASD) 的个体遭遇刑事司法系统 (CJS) 的可能性是没有 FASD 的个体的 19 倍。在与 CJS 会面期间,采用调查性访谈从犯罪嫌疑人、受害者或证人那里获取准确信息。使用 PRISMA 指南进行了系统搜索,以确定已发表的实证研究,这些研究探讨了 CJS 内对 FASD 人群的质疑以及在调查性访谈期间受 FASD 影响的个体的脆弱性。从检索到的数据库中总共确定了 383 项研究,从 Google Scholar 中确定了 7 项进一步的研究。经过去重、摘要和标题筛选,对 23 项研究的全文进行了评估,其中 5 项被纳入结果的叙述性综合。两篇论文是实证研究,侧重于调查性访谈期间受 FASD 影响的个人的表现。虽然第一项研究发现 FASD 人群容易受到建议的影响,但第二项研究(案例研究)确定了在调查性访谈中为获得供词而采用的策略。三篇论文研究了受 FASD 影响的个体更广泛的脆弱性,发现心理法律能力下降、累犯风险增加以及使受 FASD 影响的个体易受 CJS 影响的生物、心理和社会因素。尽管遇到 CJS 的可能性更大,