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Adolescents Are More Likely to Help Others on Days They Take Risks and Crave Social Connections
Journal of Research on Adolescence ( IF 3.563 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-14 , DOI: 10.1111/jora.12705
Emma Armstrong-Carter 1 , Emily S Bibby 2 , Melissa Burroughs 3 , Jessica E Flannery 3 , Benjamin W Nelson 3 , Natasha Duell 3 , Mitch J Prinstein 3 , Eva H Telzer 3

This study examined how adolescents’ risk-taking behaviors were related to their prosocial behaviors on a daily level and how this association differed depending on adolescents’ daily and average levels of sensation seeking and social craving. Adolescents (N = 212; Mage = 15 years) completed daily diaries for 14 days. Adolescents were more likely to engage in prosocial behavior on days when they also took risks, but only when they also felt high levels of social craving. The daily link between risk-taking and prosocial behavior did not vary based on daily or individual differences in sensation seeking. Results suggest that when adolescents feel highly motivated to connect with others, their risk-taking and prosocial tendencies co-occur on a daily basis.



这项研究调查了青少年的冒险行为如何与他们的日常亲社会行为相关,以及这种关联如何根据青少年的日常和平均感觉寻求和社交渴望水平而有所不同。青少年(N  = 212;M年龄 = 15 岁)完成了 14 天的每日日记。青少年在冒险的日子里更有可能参与亲社会行为,但前提是他们也感到高度的社交渴望。冒险和亲社会行为之间的日常联系并没有因每天或个体在感觉寻求方面的差异而有所不同。结果表明,当青少年感到与他人建立联系的积极性很高时,他们的冒险倾向和亲社会倾向每天都会同时发生。