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Shipping metal: Characterisation and provenance study of the copper ingots from the Rochelongue underwater site (Seventh–Sixth century BC), West Languedoc, France
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Pub Date : 2021-12-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103286
Enrique Aragón 1 , Ignacio Montero-Ruiz 2 , Mark E. Polzer 3 , Wendy van Duivenvoorde 3

The copper ingots from the underwater site off Rochelongue, near Cap d’Agde, on the coast of West Languedoc, offer an exciting means to investigate coastal mobility and cultural interaction between southern France and the broader western Mediterranean basin in the Early Iron Age. This paper presents the results of elemental and lead isotope analyses of a selection of copper ingots from the Rochelongue site, along with several ingots from the Iberian Peninsula, and for the first time demonstrates that their composition is consistent with Iberian and Alpine metalliferous mineral sources, and possibly some Mediterranean sources as well. The Rochelongue site also speaks to the likely role of indigenous societies of Languedoc in the movement of metals between Atlantic, Continental and Mediterranean circuits. The Rochelongue ingot metal thus provides a window into expansive networks of trade contacts that must be evaluated alongside typological and cultural data.


运输金属:来自法国西朗格多克 Rochelongue 水下遗址(公元前 7-6 世纪)的铜锭的特征和来源研究

位于西朗格多克海岸的 Cap d'Agde 附近 Rochelongue 附近水下遗址的铜锭为研究早期铁器时代法国南部与更广阔的西地中海盆地之间的沿海流动性和文化互动提供了一种令人兴奋的方法。本文介绍了来自 Rochelongue 遗址的精选铜锭以及来自伊比利亚半岛的几个铜锭的元素和铅同位素分析结果,并首次证明它们的成分与伊比利亚和阿尔卑斯山的金属矿物来源一致,可能还有一些地中海来源。Rochelongue 遗址还说明了朗格多克土著社会在大西洋、大陆和地中海线路之间的金属流动中可能发挥的作用。
