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New contribution of archaeoparasitology in the Far North of Eastern Siberia: First data about the parasitological spectrum of Stadukhinsky Fort in the 17th-18th centuries
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Pub Date : 2021-12-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103304
Sergey Mikhailovich Slepchenko 1, 2 , Tatiana Vladimirovna Lobanova 2, 3 , Georgy Petrovich Vizgalov 2 , Georgy Viktorovich Alyamkin 1 , Sergey Nikolaevich Ivanov 1

Archeoparasitological studies of the territory of northeastern Siberia are very rare. Stadukhinsky (Nizhnekolymsky) Fort ranks high in the history of the development of northeastern Siberia. We report data on the incidence and range of intestinal parasites discovered in samples taken from the occupation layer of Stadukhinsky Fort and human and animal coprolites dated to the 17th-18th centuries.

Three types of intestinal parasite eggs were discovered during the research of samples, which most likely belong to Diphyllobothrium sp., Taenia sp. and parasites of Opisthorchiidae family. Abundance of eggs of “fish” parasites suggests in various samples shows that settlers, indigenous populace and dogs consumed insufficiently thermally processed and/or raw fish and also can be evident of the unsatisfactory sanitary condition of the settlement. Consumption of poorly cooked and/or raw fish is most likely typical not only for the population of northeastern Siberia and, probably, for the entire Arctic and Subarctic territory of Eurasia.

Taenia sp. eggs in the archeoparasitological spectrum bring the indigenous population of the Northern territories and the Russian settlers together. Nevertheless, the sources of infection may differ.

Eggs belonging to the Opisthorchiidae family were, for the first time, found in area so remote from endemic foci of parasitosis. The fact that the eggs of trematodes of this family were found in fecal samples of people living in the Fort suggests two possible places where they could have been infected. One focus is the Ob-Irtysh River basin, another is the Amur River basin.

Therefore, this study demonstrated the variety of parasitosis in the population of Stadukhinsky Fort from historical and archaeological points of view. This is important for understanding of the processes of adaptation of the population to the conditions of the Far North of Eurasia.


东西伯利亚远北地区考古寄生虫学的新贡献:关于 17-18 世纪 Stadukhinsky 堡寄生虫学谱的第一批数据

对西伯利亚东北部领土的考古寄生虫学研究非常罕见。斯塔杜欣斯基(Nizhnekolymsky)堡在西伯利亚东北部的开发史上名列前茅。我们报告了从 Stadukhinsky 堡垒的占领层以及可追溯至 17 至 18 世纪的人类和动物粪便中采集的样本中发现的肠道寄生虫的发生率和范围的数据。

样本研究中发现了三种肠道寄生虫卵,最有可能属于双叶丝虫属、带绦虫属。和 Opisthorchiidae 科的寄生虫。大量的“鱼”寄生虫卵在各种样本中表明,定居者、土著居民和狗食用了未经充分热处理的鱼和/或生鱼,这也表明该定居点的卫生条件不令人满意。不仅是西伯利亚东北部的人口,而且可能是欧亚大陆的整个北极和亚北极地区,食用未煮熟的鱼和/或生鱼很可能是典型的。


属于 Opisthorchiidae 科的卵首次在远离寄生虫病流行病灶的地区被发现。在居住在堡垒的人的粪便样本中发现了这个家族的吸虫卵这一事实表明,他们可能在两个地方被感染。一个重点是鄂尔齐斯河流域,另一个是阿穆尔河流域。

因此,这项研究从历史和考古的角度证明了 Stadukhinsky Fort 人口中寄生虫的多样性。这对于了解人口适应欧亚大陆北部条件的过程很重要。
