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Goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) have a sex-dependent magnetic compass for maintaining site fidelity
Fisheries Oceanography ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-10 , DOI: 10.1111/fog.12569
Alessandro Cresci 1 , Torkel Larsen 1 , Kim T. Halvorsen 1 , Caroline M. F. Durif 1 , Reidun Bjelland 1 , Howard I. Browman 1 , Anne Berit Skiftesvik 1

The goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) is a commercially important fish that inhabits coastal areas across the eastern Atlantic. This species moves from a shallow home territory along the coast into deeper waters in the autumn and winter and then returns to that same territory in the spring. Only male goldsinny wrasse exhibit strong territorial behavior, which may manifest as sexual differences in the ability or motivation to return to home territories. The orientation mechanism underlying the homing migration of goldsinny wrasse males and females is unknown. In this study, we hypothesized that goldsinny wrasse use the magnetic field of the Earth to follow a compass-based path toward their home territory. To test this hypothesis, we collected 50 adult goldsinny wrasse, approximately half males and half females, in a harbor in Austevoll, Norway. Fish were translocated to a magnetoreception laboratory situated north of the site of capture, in which the magnetic field was artificially rotated. In the laboratory, males oriented toward the magnetic south taking a mean direction of 201°, which is the approximate direction that they would have had to take to return to the site at which they were captured. Females oriented in random magnetic directions. There was no difference in swimming kinematics between males and females. These results show that male goldsinny wrasse have a magnetic compass that they could use to maintain site fidelity, an ability that could help them and other coastal fish undertake repeatable short-range migrations.


Goldsinny 濑鱼 (Ctenolabrus rupestris) 有一个与性别有关的磁罗盘,用于保持现场保真度

goldsinny 濑鱼 ( Ctenolabrus rupestris) 是一种重要的商业鱼类,栖息在大西洋东部的沿海地区。该物种在秋季和冬季从沿海浅水区迁移到较深的水域,然后在春季返回同一区域。只有雄性金丝鱼表现出强烈的领土行为,这可能表现为返回家园的能力或动机的性别差异。goldsinny 濑鱼雄性和雌性的归巢迁徙背后的定向机制尚不清楚。在这项研究中,我们假设 goldsinny 濑鱼利用地球磁场沿着基于指南针的路径前往它们的家园。为了验证这一假设,我们在挪威奥斯特沃尔的一个港口收集了 50 条成年金鱼,大约一半雄性和一半雌性。鱼被转移到位于捕获地点以北的磁感应实验室,其中磁场被人为旋转。在实验室中,雄性朝向磁南的平均方向为 201°,这是他们返回捕获地点所必须采取的大致方向。雌性朝向随机的磁场方向。男性和女性之间的游泳运动学没有差异。这些结果表明,雄性金鱼有一个磁罗盘,可以用来保持地点的保真度,这种能力可以帮助它们和其他沿海鱼类进行可重复的短程迁徙。男性朝向磁南,平均方向为 201°,这是他们返回捕获地点所必须采取的大致方向。雌性朝向随机的磁场方向。男性和女性之间的游泳运动学没有差异。这些结果表明,雄性金鱼有一个磁罗盘,可以用来保持地点的保真度,这种能力可以帮助它们和其他沿海鱼类进行可重复的短程迁徙。男性朝向磁南,平均方向为 201°,这是他们返回捕获地点所必须采取的大致方向。雌性朝向随机的磁场方向。男性和女性之间的游泳运动学没有差异。这些结果表明,雄性金鱼有一个磁罗盘,可以用来保持地点的保真度,这种能力可以帮助它们和其他沿海鱼类进行可重复的短程迁徙。