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Nutritional assessment and rehabilitation in children with bronchiectasis and childhood interstitial lung diseases: effects on pulmonary functions and clinical severity
Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-08 , DOI: 10.1186/s43054-021-00090-y
Asmaa Alsharkawy 1 , Eman Fouda 1 , Asmaa Mujahed 1 , Yasmin Elgendy 1

Nutrition is recognized as a modifiable contributor to bronchiectasis and interstitial lung diseases (ChILD) development and progression. Nutritional interventions have great potential in reducing respiratory illness related morbidity and mortality. The study was done to assess nutritional state and body composition of children with bronchiectasis and interstitial lung diseases (ChILD) and to study the effect of short course nutritional intervention program on their growth, clinical symptoms, pulmonary functions and frequency of acute exacerbations and hospitalization. Seventeen patients with bronchiectasis and thirteen patients with interstitial lung diseases and 40 healthy children as controls were enrolled. Nutritional status, chest symptoms, anthropometry, body composition, and spirometric pulmonary function were evaluated. A short course nutritional intervention program was done for patients and then they were re-evaluated. In total, 56.67% of studied patients were moderately malnourished and 23.33% were severely malnourished. A total of 66.7% of studied patients were underweight and 50% of patients had stunted growth. Anthropometric indices were significantly lower than control groups (P < 0.05). Body composition indices were lower in patients than control but not with a statistical significance. Forced vital capacity was positively correlated to body mass index (P = 0.045). Nutritional rehabilitation significantly improved patient anthropometry (weight, body mass index, height, triceps skin-fold thickness, mid arm circumference), body composition (body fat, fat free mass, and muscle mass), respiratory symptoms, and FEV1. Needs to asthma rescue medications, school absence, acute exacerbation attacks, and hospitalization were reduced. Patients with bronchiectasis and interstitial lung diseases (ChILD) have malnutrition and body composition changes that improved significantly after short nutritional intervention program with significant improvement in FEV1, frequency of acute exacerbations, and hospitalization.



营养被认为是支气管扩张和间质性肺病 (ChILD) 发展和进展的可改变因素。营养干预在降低与呼吸系统疾病相关的发病率和死亡率方面具有巨大潜力。本研究旨在评估支气管扩张和间质性肺病 (ChILD) 儿童的营养状况和身体成分,并研究短期营养干预计划对其生长、临床症状、肺功能以及急性加重和住院频率的影响。纳入17名支气管扩张患者和13名间质性肺疾病患者以及40名健康儿童作为对照。评估了营养状况、胸部症状、人体测量学、身体成分和肺功能。对患者进行了短期营养干预计划,然后对他们进行了重新评估。总共有 56.67% 的研究患者为中度营养不良,23.33% 为严重营养不良。总共 66.7% 的研究患者体重不足,50% 的患者发育迟缓。人体测量指标显着低于对照组(P < 0.05)。患者的身体成分指数低于对照组,但没有统计学意义。用力肺活量与体重指数呈正相关(P = 0.045)。营养康复显着改善了患者人体测量学(体重、体重指数、身高、肱三头肌皮褶厚度、中臂围)、身体成分(体脂、无脂肪质量和肌肉质量)、呼吸系统症状和 FEV1。需要哮喘急救药物,缺课、急性加重发作和住院减少。支气管扩张和间质性肺病 (ChILD) 患者的营养不良和身体成分变化在短期营养干预计划后显着改善,FEV1、急性加重频率和住院治疗显着改善。