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A Newly Identified Younger Dryas Component in Eagle Cave, Texas
American Antiquity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-07 , DOI: 10.1017/aaq.2021.126
Charles W. Koenig 1 , J. David Kilby 2 , Christopher J. Jurgens 2 , Lorena Becerra-Valdivia 3 , Christopher W. Ringstaff 4 , J. Kevin Hanselka 4 , Leslie L. Bush 5 , Charles D. Frederick 6 , Stephen L. Black 2 , Amanda M. Castañeda 7 , Ken L. Lawrence 8 , Madeline E. Mackie 9 , Jim I. Mead 10

Recent excavations by the Ancient Southwest Texas Project of Texas State University sampled a previously undocumented Younger Dryas component from Eagle Cave in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands of Texas. This stratified assemblage consists of bison (Bison antiquus) bones in association with lithic artifacts and a hearth. Bayesian modeling yields an age of 12,660–12,480 cal BP, and analyses indicate behaviors associated with the processing of a juvenile bison and the manufacture and maintenance of lithic tools. This article presents spatial, faunal, macrobotanical, chronometric, geoarchaeological, and lithic analyses relating to the Younger Dryas component within Eagle Cave. The identification of the Younger Dryas occupation in Eagle Cave should encourage archaeologists to revisit previously excavated rockshelter sites in the Lower Pecos and beyond to evaluate deposits for unrecognized, older occupations.



德克萨斯州立大学古代西南德克萨斯项目最近的挖掘工作从德克萨斯州下佩科斯峡谷地的鹰洞中采集了一个以前未记录的年轻仙女木组件。这种分层组合由野牛(Bison antiquus) 与石器和壁炉相关的骨头。贝叶斯模型得出的年龄为 12,660–12,480 cal BP,分析表明与处理幼年野牛以及制造和维护石器工具相关的行为。本文介绍了与鹰洞内的新仙女木组件相关的空间、动物群、大型植物学、年代学、地质考古和岩石分析。Eagle Cave 中新仙女木职业的识别应该鼓励考古学家重新访问以前在下佩科斯及其他地区挖掘的岩石庇护所,以评估未被识别的旧职业的沉积物。
