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Ambiguity and legal compliance
Criminology & Public Policy ( IF 5.085 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-06 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-9133.12565
Timothy C. Barnum 1 , Daniel S. Nagin 2

This study examines the independent and joint effect of ambiguity and perceived certainty of apprehension on law-breaking decision-making. Data come from a survey of experienced drivers (N = 1147) who viewed videos depicting a car speeding on an interstate highway under experimentally manipulated circumstances. The sampled drivers were generally ambiguity averse, opting to reduce speeding as ambiguity about the perceived certainty of apprehension increased. However, perceived ambiguity interacted with perceived certainty such that increases in ambiguity increased the deterrent effect of ambiguity for low certainty probabilities and decreased the effect for high probabilities.



本研究考察了模糊性和感知确定性对违法决策的独立和联合影响。数据来自对经验丰富的司机 ( N  = 1147) 的调查,他们观看了描述汽车在实验操纵的情况下在州际高速公路上超速行驶的视频。抽样的司机通常是模棱两可的厌恶者,随着对感知确定性的模棱两可的增加,选择减少超速行驶。然而,感知的模糊性与感知的确定性相互作用,使得模糊性的增加增加了模糊性对低确定性概率的威慑作用,并降低了对高概率的影响。