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Situated Talk: A method for a reflexive encounter with #donorconceived on TikTok
Media International Australia ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-06 , DOI: 10.1177/1329878x211064646
Giselle Newton 1 , Clare Southerton 2

There is a pressing need to facilitate sensitive conversations between people with differing or opposing views. On video-sharing app TikTok, the diverse experiences of donor-conceived people and recipient parents sit uneasily alongside each other, coalescing in hashtags like #donorconceived. This article describes a method ‘Situated Talk’ which uses TikToks to facilitate a reflexive encounter, drawing on three areas of scholarship: media ethnography and elicitation, researcher reflexivity and duoethnography/collaborative autoethnography. We describe how we, as a donor-conceived adult (Giselle) and a queer woman who would need donor sperm to have a child (Clare), employed TikToks from #donorconceived as prompts to facilitate a sensitive conversation and elicit situated insights. We explore three central insights from applying our method: (1) discomfort as a productive tension; (2) unresolved dilemmas; and (3) discovering parallels in experience. Using TikToks as stimuli, ‘Situated Talk’ contributes an innovative method for generating grounded social media insights.


情景对话:一种在 TikTok 上与#donorconceived 进行反思性相遇的方法

迫切需要促进持有不同或相反观点的人之间的敏感对话。在视频共享应用 TikTok 上,捐赠者受孕者和受助者父母的不同经历令人不安地坐在一起,并结合在 #donorconceived 等主题标签中。本文描述了一种“情景对话”方法,该方法利用 TikTok 促进反思性遭遇,借鉴了三个学术领域:媒体民族志和启发、研究人员反思性和双人民族志/协作性自我民族志。我们描述了作为捐赠者受孕的成年人 (Giselle) 和需要捐赠精子才能生育孩子的酷儿女性 (Clare),我们如何使用 #donorconceived 中的 TikToks 作为提示来促进敏感对话并引出情境见解。我们通过应用我们的方法探索了三个核心见解:(1) 不适是一种生产性紧张;(2) 未解决的困境;(3) 在经验中发现相似之处。使用 TikToks 作为刺激物,“Situated Talk”为产生扎根的社交媒体洞察力提供了一种创新方法。
