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A morphological approach to evaluating the nature of vineyard soils in semiarid Mediterranean environment
European Journal of Soil Science ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-04 , DOI: 10.1111/ejss.13201
Raimundo Jiménez‐Ballesta 1 , Sandra Bravo 2 , Jose A. Amorós 2 , Caridad Pérez‐de‐los‐Reyes 2 , Jesús García‐Pradas 2 , Monica Sanchez 2 , Francisco J. García‐Navarro 2

La Mancha (Central Spain) is one of the most extensive vineyard regions in the world, and ‘Valdepeñas’ is a representative Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) in this region. However, what are their main soil types? what kind of horizons are the most common? and what is the role of the geomorphological positions in their pedodiversity? After describing and sampling 90 soil profiles in this area, Alfisols, Inceptisols and Entisols were mainly identified in Soil Taxonomy terms; in other words, Luvisols, Cambisols, Regosols, Leptosols and a highly significant proportion of Calcisols according to FAO-UNESCO-ISSS. The accumulation of carbonate, the thickness of which varies from a diffuse or powdery form to crusted forms, appear sometimes like polycyclic. The presence of red soils, with or without a calcic or petrocalcic horizon, indicates the most representative edaphic stages in this region. Consequently, the morphological signature is calcic or petrocalcic, followed by argillic and/or cambic horizons, under ochric horizons. It can be concluded that the nature of soils in Valdepeñas can be considered a differential factor to bear in mind for quality viticultural production.



拉曼恰(西班牙中部)是世界上最广泛的葡萄园地区之一,“Valdepeñas”是该地区具有代表性的原产地名称保护 (PDO)。但是,它们的主要土壤类型是什么?什么样的视野最常见?地貌位置在其土壤多样性中的作用是什么?在对该地区90个土壤剖面进行描述和取样后,在土壤分类学术语中主要确定了Alfisols、Inceptisols和Entisols;换句话说,根据FAO-UNESCO-ISSS,Luvisols、Cambisols、Regosols、Leptosols 和很大比例的钙化溶胶。碳酸盐的堆积,其厚度从弥散或粉末状到结痂状不等,有时看起来像多环。红土的存在,有或没有钙质或岩钙质层,表示该地区最具代表性的土壤阶段。因此,形态特征是钙质或岩钙质,其次是泥质和/或形成岩层,在赭石层下。可以得出结论,Valdepeñas 的土壤性质可被视为优质葡萄栽培生产的一个不同因素。