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Navigating the Double Bind: A Systematic Literature Review of the Experiences of Novice Teachers of Color in K–12 Schools
Review of Educational Research ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-03 , DOI: 10.3102/00346543211060873
Elizabeth Bettini 1 , Christopher J. Cormier 2 , Maalavika Ragunathan 3 , Kristabel Stark 1

A robust body of U.S.-based research demonstrates the importance of teachers of color to promote positive outcomes among students of color, and recent policies aim to increase the proportion of teachers of color. These policies are unlikely to succeed if they ignore how educational systems currently marginalize teachers of color, particularly early in teachers’ careers, when they are more likely to leave. Thus, we conducted a systematic narrative review of the experiences of novice teachers of color in K–12 schools. We identified 72 relevant studies, from 1996 to the present, and qualitatively analyzed themes within them. We found that novices’ experiences of their socialization into K–12 educational institutions were deeply racialized, through their interactions with every aspect of K–12 educational systems. Novices’ experiences often placed them in a double bind, as they experienced tensions between their personal commitments as people of color and their professional commitments in schools that perpetuated oppressive systems. Welcoming novice teachers of color into K–12 schools thus necessitates broader efforts to dismantle the many ways oppressive systems are embedded within and perpetuated by schools—efforts to which novice teachers of color can contribute, but for which they should not bear sole responsibility.


驾驭双重束缚:对 K-12 学校有色人种新教师经验的系统文献回顾

大量基于美国的研究表明,有色人种教师对于促进有色人种学生取得积极成果的重要性,最近的政策旨在增加有色人种教师的比例。如果这些政策忽视教育系统目前如何将有色人种教师边缘化,尤其是在教师职业生涯的早期,当他们更有可能离开时,这些政策就不太可能成功。因此,我们对 K-12 学校的有色人种新手教师的经历进行了系统的叙述性回顾。我们确定了 1996 年至今的 72 项相关研究,并对其中的主题进行了定性分析。我们发现,通过与 K-12 教育系统各个方面的互动,新手进入 K-12 教育机构的社会化经历被深深地种族化了。新手的经历常常使他们陷入双重束缚,因为他们在作为有色人种的个人承诺与他们在延续压迫制度的学校中的专业承诺之间经历了紧张关系。因此,欢迎有色人种新教师进入 K-12 学校需要更广泛的努力,以消除学校内嵌入和长期存在的压迫性制度的多种方式——有色人种新教师可以做出贡献,但他们不应承担全部责任。
