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Tearing Down Walls, Opening Doors: Teaching an Art History College Course in Jail During Covid
The International Journal of Art & Design Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-02 , DOI: 10.1111/jade.12393
Mia Ruyter

With no possibility of teaching in prisons in person because of the pandemic, a group of social justice concerned art history graduate students offered a remote learning college course for people incarcerated in a detention facility in the United States. The culturally sustaining and trauma-sensitive course, delivered asynchronously via tablets, was a survey of contemporary art. Because of a quarantine in response to the COVID pandemic, the class had the opportunity to use technology that is new to carceral spaces. The advantages and problems will be discussed. This article will close with practical recommendations for educators seeking to provide similar programming.


推倒墙壁,敞开大门:Covid 期间在监狱中教授艺术史学院课程

由于大流行,无法在监狱中亲自授课,一群关注社会正义的艺术史研究生为被关押在美国拘留所的人提供了远程学习大学课程。通过平板电脑异步提供的文化维持和创伤敏感课程是对当代艺术的调查。由于为应对 COVID 大流行而进行了隔离,班级有机会使用对监狱空间来说是新的技术。将讨论优点和问题。本文将为寻求提供类似编程的教育工作者提供实用建议。