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Museums as Partners in PreK-12 Social-Emotional Learning
Journal of Museum Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10598650.2021.1979299
Hajnal Eppley


2020 was a challenging time to navigate mental health and wellness. With a global pandemic, an emotionally charged U.S. presidential election, and a spike in racially motivated violence, students maneuvered trauma associated with these events in unprecedented ways. The cumulative challenges of this year motivated museum educators at the Cleveland Museum of Art to focus on connections between PreK-12 social-emotional learning (SEL) and objects in our museum collection. This article focuses on specific strategies used to support social-emotional wellness when facilitating virtual school programming and teaching with museum objects. It also discusses lingering questions museum educators must examine as we teach in a post-2020 world.


博物馆作为 PreK-12 社会情感学习的合作伙伴


2020 年是驾驭心理健康和健康的充满挑战的时期。随着全球大流行、情绪激动的美国总统大选以及出于种族动机的暴力事件激增,学生们以前所未有的方式应对与这些事件相关的创伤。今年累积的挑战促使克利夫兰艺术博物馆的博物馆教育工作者关注 PreK-12 社会情感学习 (SEL) 与我们博物馆藏品之间的联系。本文重点介绍在促进虚拟学校编程和使用博物馆物品进行教学时用于支持社交情绪健康的特定策略。它还讨论了博物馆教育工作者在 2020 年后的世界中进行教学时必须研究的挥之不去的问题。
