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Comparison of the Secret Service of al-Shabaab, the Amniyat, and the National Intelligence and Security Agency (Somalia)
International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-01 , DOI: 10.1080/08850607.2021.1987143
Gábor Sinkó , János Besenyő


This is a comparative analysis of the secret service of al-Shabaab, the Amniyat, and the Somali government’s security unit, the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA). It begins with the short history of al-Shabaab as an introduction to understand the roots of the movement and how the resurgence of the group is tied to the effective management of the Amniyat. Then it analyzes the capabilities and capacities of the intelligence apparatuses of al-Shabaab and the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), highlighting the similarities and differences between the organizations. Viewed from the perspective of the local population, the terrorist group provides security and predictability for individuals living under its control, gained local respect for managing its forces, and uses its secret service, the Amniyat, effectively. NISA suffers from the same problems as its predecessor in the Siad Barre regime, such as lack of transparency, overpoliticization, and involvement in illegal activities. Furthermore, there is lack of cooperation and transparency between local intelligence services and police forces. While the FGS realized the importance of doing away with clan-based security systems, the dominance of clans is still constantly increasing at the expense of the government. Today, al-Shabaab’s intelligence capacities and capabilities are more advanced than those of the NISA, hence the centralization and unification of the security architecture is of chief importance.


青年党特勤局、Amniyat 和国家情报与安全局(索马里)的比较


这是对青年党、Amniyat 和索马里政府安全部门国家情报与安全局 (NISA) 的秘密服务的比较分析。它以青年党的短暂历史作为介绍,以了解该运动的根源以及该组织的复兴如何与 Amniyat 的有效管理联系在一起。然后它分析了青年党和索马里联邦政府 (FGS) 情报机构的能力,强调了这些组织之间的异同。从当地民众的角度来看,恐怖组织为生活在其控制下的个人提供了安全和可预测性,在管理其部队方面赢得了当地的尊重,并有效地利用了其特勤局 Amniyat。NISA 面临着与西亚德巴雷政权的前身相同的问题,例如缺乏透明度、过度政治化和参与非法活动。此外,地方情报部门和警察部队之间缺乏合作和透明度。虽然 FGS 意识到废除基于氏族的安全系统的重要性,但氏族的主导地位仍在不断增加,而政府却为此付出了代价。今天,青年党的情报能力和能力比 NISA 更先进,因此安全架构的集中和统一至关重要。地方情报部门和警察部队之间缺乏合作和透明度。虽然 FGS 意识到废除基于氏族的安全系统的重要性,但氏族的主导地位仍在不断增加,而政府却为此付出了代价。今天,青年党的情报能力和能力比 NISA 更先进,因此安全架构的集中和统一至关重要。地方情报部门和警察部队之间缺乏合作和透明度。虽然 FGS 意识到废除基于氏族的安全系统的重要性,但氏族的主导地位仍在不断增加,而政府却为此付出了代价。今天,青年党的情报能力和能力比 NISA 更先进,因此安全架构的集中和统一至关重要。
