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Cultivating social capital in diverse, low-income neighborhoods: The value of parks for parents with young children
Landscape and Urban Planning ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2021.104313
Lauren E. Mullenbach 1 , Lincoln R. Larson 2 , Myron F. Floyd 2 , Oriol Marquet 3 , Jing-Huei Huang 2, 4 , Claudia Alberico 2, 4 , S. Scott Ogletree 5 , J. Aaron Hipp 2, 4

Neighborhood built environment features, including parks, may contribute to social capital, but these relationships have not been adequately explored in communities of color. Our study focused on a specific subset of this population—a national sample of diverse, low-income parents with young children (n = 1,611)—to assess relationships between social capital, parks (e.g., access, visit frequency, and satisfaction), and other aspects of the built environment (e.g., perceptions of neighborhood walkability, traffic, and crime). We found that park satisfaction (a measure of park quality) was strongly linked to social capital among low-income parents, but park use frequency and access (both related to park quantity) were not. Neighborhood walkability and safety from crime were also strong positive correlates of social capital. Despite social benefits of parks, moderate to low ratings of park satisfaction, neighborhood walkability, safety from crime, and social capital within our sample suggest that inequities in park and neighborhood quality may prevent families who might benefit the most from social capital (i.e., low-income minority populations) from enjoying key resources needed to cultivate it. Cities hoping to enhance social capital in vulnerable communities would be wise to invest in quality parks and built environment features that create opportunities for positive social interactions among low-income parents with young children.



社区建成环境特征,包括公园,可能有助于社会资本,但这些关系尚未在有色人种社区中得到充分探索。我们的研究侧重于这一人群的一个特定子集——一个由有年幼孩子的多样化、低收入父母组成的全国样本(n = 1,611)——以评估社会资本、公园之间的关系(例如,访问、访问频率和满意度),和建筑环境的其他方面(例如,对邻里步行性、交通和犯罪的看法)。我们发现公园满意度(公园质量的衡量标准)与低收入父母的社会资本密切相关,但公园使用频率和访问量(两者都与公园数量相关)却没有。邻里步行性和犯罪安全性也是社会资本的强正相关。尽管公园具有社会效益,但我们样本中公园满意度、邻里步行性、犯罪安全性和社会资本的中等至低评级表明,公园和邻里质量的不公平可能会阻止可能从社会资本中受益最多的家庭(即低- 收入少数群体)享受培育它所需的关键资源。希望增强弱势社区社会资本的城市明智地投资于优质公园和建筑环境特征,为低收入父母与幼儿之间的积极社会互动创造机会。我们样本中的社会资本和社会资本表明,公园和社区质量的不公平可能会阻止可能从社会资本中受益最多的家庭(即低收入少数族裔人口)享受培育它所需的关键资源。希望增强弱势社区社会资本的城市明智地投资于优质公园和建筑环境特征,为低收入父母与幼儿之间的积极社会互动创造机会。我们样本中的社会资本和社会资本表明,公园和社区质量的不公平可能会阻止可能从社会资本中受益最多的家庭(即低收入少数族裔人口)享受培育它所需的关键资源。希望增强弱势社区社会资本的城市明智地投资于优质公园和建筑环境特征,为低收入父母与幼儿之间的积极社会互动创造机会。
