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Preventive content blocking and freedom of expression in the European law – conflict or symbiosis?
Journal of Media Law Pub Date : 2021-11-30 , DOI: 10.1080/17577632.2021.2006962
Ewa Milczarek 1


Social networking sites are currently an important element of community, economic and political life. This means that a legal framework that would guarantee freedom of expression on the one hand and protection against defamation on the other must be created. The 2019 CJEU judgement in the Glawischnig-Piesczek (C-18/18) case provides another tool to control the content uploaded to social networking sites by allowing states to require the removal of information that is equivalent to the content previously declared unlawful. The aim of this paper is to analyse preventive content blocking in terms of its relation with freedom of expression. The paper ultimately intends to determine whether this tool stays in conflict with this freedom thus violating its essence or whether it rather stays in a symbiosis with it, allowing the functioning of a public debate free from distorting phenomena of hate speech and hate comment.




社交网站目前是社区、经济和政治生活的重要组成部分。这意味着必须建立一个法律框架,一方面保证言论自由,另一方面保护免受诽谤。2019 年 CJEU 对 Glawischnig-Piesczek (C-18/18) 案的判决提供了另一种工具来控制上传到社交网站的内容,允许各州要求删除与先前宣布为非法的内容等效的信息。本文的目的是分析预防性内容屏蔽与言论自由的关系。该论文最终打算确定该工具是否与这种自由相冲突从而违反其本质,或者它是否与其保持共生关系,
