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Multifaceted volunteering: The volunteering experience in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in light of volunteering styles
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-29 , DOI: 10.1111/asap.12284
Liat Kulik 1

The goal of the present study was to investigate differences in the volunteering experience during the COVID-19 pandemic according to three volunteering styles: traditional volunteering that takes place mainly face-to-face, virtual volunteering that occurs through digital means and hybrid volunteering that combines virtual and traditional volunteering. The research sample included 657 volunteers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Four aspects of the volunteering experience were tested: the motivational, the affective, the cognitive and the behavioral. The experience of the hybrid volunteers was more positive in some aspects compared to the others: hybrid volunteers are motivated more by social solidarity, feel that they make a greater contribution to the community, and exhibit greater commitment to volunteer. However, they are less satisfied than the others from the professional accompaniment during their volunteering and experience higher levels of negative affect. The virtual volunteers exhibit relatively low commitment to volunteering and are less satisfied with the feedback they receive from the clients. The content of the special moments of the traditional and hybrid volunteers is usually emotional and focuses on the self, whereas the special moments for the virtual volunteers are purposeful and focused on the client.
  • It is recommended to hold explanatory activities for clients that will encourage expression of thankfulness to the volunteers.
  • Communication channels should be developed in order to afford constant feedback to the virtual volunteers via the digital means by which it takes place.
  • Adaptation of the volunteering styles to the volunteers’ needs and to their technological abilities will ensure commitment to volunteer over time for the benefit of the volunteers and their clients.


多方面的志愿服务:根据志愿服务方式在 COVID-19 大流行的第一波中的志愿服务经验

本研究的目的是根据三种志愿服务方式调查 COVID-19 大流行期间志愿服务体验的差异:主要是面对面进行的传统志愿服务、通过数字方式进行的虚拟志愿服务以及结合虚拟和传统志愿服务。研究样本包括第一波 COVID-19 大流行期间的 657 名志愿者。志愿者经历的四个方面进行了测试:动机、情感、认知和行为。与其他人相比,混合志愿者的体验在某些方面更为积极:混合志愿者更多地受到社会团结的激励,感觉他们对社区做出了更大的贡献,并对志愿者表现出更大的承诺。然而,在志愿服务期间,他们对专业陪伴的满意度低于其他人,并且体验到更高水平的负面影响。虚拟志愿者对志愿服务的承诺相对较低,并且对他们从客户那里收到的反馈不太满意。传统志愿者和混合志愿者的特殊时刻的内容通常是情绪化的,专注于自我,而虚拟志愿者的特殊时刻是有目的的,专注于客户。
  • 建议为客户举办解释活动,鼓励对志愿者表达感谢。
  • 应开发沟通渠道,以便通过其发生的数字方式向虚拟志愿者提供持续的反馈。
  • 使志愿服务方式适应志愿者的需求和他们的技术能力,将确保随着时间的推移为志愿者及其客户的利益做出承诺。